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Political Science

Photo of associate professor Christopher Stout, who teaches political science online and on campus for Oregon State University.

New era in politics creates a demand for political science graduates

3 minute read “There are so many more jobs in politics now than there has been in recent history. When (our students) graduate, they don’t just have the critical thinking skills, they also have the applied skills to go out and get some of these jobs and bring a new perspective to understanding politics.” — Oregon State political science associate professor Christopher Stout

Photo of the U.S. Capitol Building, with the American flag waving in the foreground. Oregon State online political science

Online political science program offers ‘roadmap’ to understand behavior patterns

4 minute read Interest in politics – the people, the policies, the inner workings of government – seems to be at an all-time high. The 2018 U.S. midterm elections saw record-setting voter turnout, and current global issues are captivating citizens from all corners of the map. And Oregon State University enables you to capitalize on your rising interests by earning a political science bachelor’s degree online and gaining transferable career skills.

Jeffery Tobin, a political science graduate of Oregon State University who earned his degree online

Oregon State Everywhere: Embracing change and challenges

3 minute read “After intense research on which institution to attend, Oregon State became the clear choice due to its rich course selection, excellent faculty and overwhelming positive reception by former students. The guidance of instructors and advisors kept my studies on track and my drive focused in the right areas. Learning online was perfect for me.” – Jeffery Tobin, political science graduate

Ecampus ranked #1 in U.S. for online liberal arts education

< 1 minute read Oregon State is the best university in the nation when it comes to delivering a high-quality liberal arts education online, according to a new ranking released last month. Oregon State’s College of Liberal Arts offers 11 bachelor’s degrees and two master’s programs online through OSU Ecampus, the university’s distance education division.

Andy Edwards stands in front of a level green hedge wearing a dark polo with intersecting vertical and horizontal stripes.

Behind the scenes with Andy Edwards, political science academic advisor

4 minute read “I speak with so many students who would not be able to get a college education if they had to earn the degree in person because of health, family, work, military commitments and other reasons. Because online degrees allow flexibility with when to study, it makes getting a degree possible,” says Political Science Academic Advisor Andy Edwards.