Grow where you're planted
With more than 150 years of experience educating future leaders in plant, animal and environmentally-focused sciences, Oregon State University is here to help you pursue a new career in one of these fields without uprooting your life.
Our nationally ranked bachelor's programs are finely tuned for studying complex STEM subjects online, and the Oregon State faculty who teach online are world-renowned for their work in conservation and natural sciences. Join us to gain the skills and knowledge you need to understand, cultivate and protect our natural world – then go out there and make a difference.
Explore all that OSU has to offer in natural resources online bachelor's degrees.
Browse conservation and natural sciences programs
21 undergraduate programs in conservation and natural sciences available
Undergraduate degrees (14)

Agricultural Sciences
Design your own degree in agriculture through flexible curriculum that spans subjects such as agriculture production, leadership, agribusiness, world food crops and sustainability.
Ag safety and healthCommunicating ag to the publicEnvironmental law, policy and economicsFarm implementsEngine theory and operationOrganic farmingEnvironmental biology
Agronomist farmer or rancherAnimal breederSoil or water conservationistGrower or production managerAg communications; marketing or salesAg educatorExtension agent

Study the biology of plants and fungi through subjects like plant structure, biodiversity and genetics to better understand human impact on plant and ecological systems.
Plant geneticsMycologyPlant ecologyLichenologyPlant pathologyBryologyCell and molecular biology
BotanistEthnobotanistHorticulturistPlant pathologistNaturalistBiotechnologistPlant geneticistField botanistPlant scientist

Crop and Soil Science
Dig deep into crop and soil science with courses related to natural systems, field crop agriculture, water and soil resource management, and sustainable agriculture practices.
Crop productionSoil morphology and classificationWeed managementSeed science and technologyPlant pathologyInsect pest managementIrrigation principles and practicesPlant ecology
AgronomistSoil conservationistSeed technologistCrop field scoutFarm managerCrop analystSoil health coordinatorField soil scientistPrecision agricultural technicianSoil mapping technicianLand use planner

Environmental Sciences
Pursue a rigorous, integrative education in science and policy as you learn to address global challenges like climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss as an environmentally focused scientist or analyst.
Field sampling (water/air/soil/vegetation)Data analysisGISRemote sensingWetland delineationEnvironmental technical writingEnvironmental problem-solving
Environmental scientistEcologistNature interpreterEnvironmental educatorClimate analystEnvironmental consultantPollution regulations compliance officerHydrologist/Water resource specialistRestoration planner

Environmental Economics and Policy
Develop a strong economic skill set – supplemented by education in biological, physical or social sciences – as you prepare for a multifaceted career in environmental analysis.
Applied economicsNatural resource economics and policyMeasuring resource and environmental impactsMicroeconomicsMacroeconomicsEnvironmental lawBenefit-cost analysis
Environmental economistLand use plannerData analystResearch analyst for environmental nonprofitEnvironmental policy specialistCompliance analystPre-law

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences
Learn how to maintain balance for fish, wildlife and the delicate environments they live in through science-based curriculum that emphasizes applied ecological principles.
Fish, avian and wildlife conservationPopulation dynamicsMarine ecologyAnimal geneticsVertebrate physiologyHabitat restorationAnimal care and rehabilitationEcosystem ecology
Fisherieswildlife or marine biologistFish and wildlife law enforcementEndangered species biologistHatchery managerHabitat restoration biologistWildlife area managerAnimal caretaker

Geography and Geospatial Science
Use the power of big data analysis and visualization technologies to explore humanity's relationship with our physical environment and natural, cultural and built resources.
Geographic information systemsRemote sensingGeovisualization and cartographyGeographic field researchPhysical geographyWeb mappingGeospatial analysis
GIS analystLand use plannerPlanning and resource managerCartographerRemote sensing specialistLand surveyorPhotogrammetristCAD/GIS developerGeospatial intelligence analystConservation specialist

Grow your skills in horticultural production through the study of topics such as plant pathology, pest and weed management, applied ecology and agricultural policy.
Plant nutritionSustainable landscapesUrban forestryPermacultureTurf grass maintenancePlant breedingMedicinal plants
Urban farmerLandscape designerGreenhouse managerPlant breederArboristVineyard managerSoil and plant scientistUrban and regional plannerAthletic field director

Marine Studies
B.A. or B.S.
Navigate social, political and cultural issues of marine systems through the lens of the humanities, arts and sciences — with a focus on sustainability.
Marine ecologyCritical thinkingCultural resource managementScientific reasoningCommunicationMarine environmental justiceEthical reasoning
Marine policy analystCoastal communication specialistMarine entrepreneurConservation outreach coordinatorCommunity education specialistAquarium outreach coordinator

Natural Resources
Explore natural and social sciences through a customizable curriculum that considers the interrelationship between our planet's resources and the human dimensions that impact them.
Forest biology and ecologyNatural resource educationWildland fire ecologyLandscape analysisEcological restorationConservation law enforcementHuman dimensions in natural resources
Wildlife conservation officerNatural resources educatorExtension agentField researcherForest, rangeland or wildlife ecologistLand-use plannerRiparian, wetlands or watershed specialist

Rangeland Sciences
Study the ecological, socioeconomic and policy aspects of rangeland management as you prepare yourself for a wide-open career in conserving and managing ecosystems and their resources.
Habitat managementSustainable livestock grazing systemsEcological restorationRangeland stewardshipShrubland or grassland ecologyWildland plant identificationRangeland policy and economics
Rangeland management specialistRestoration ecologistNatural resource specialistRanch managerPark managerSoil and water conservationistConservation biologistGame enforcement

B.S. (Postbaccalaureate or double degree)
Gain interdisciplinary expertise in sustainable practices through this double-degree program, and build a career that can impact all aspects of global business, politics, economics and society.
Human impacts on ecosystemsSustainable supply chain managementEnvironmental sociologyNatural resource economicsSustainable communitiesCarbon and greenhouse gas management
Sustainability coordinatorStrategic plannerSustainable waste, energy or water managerEnvironmental monitoring and assessmentUrban plannerSustainability researcherEcotourism

Tourism, Recreation and Adventure Leadership
Learn how to facilitate outdoor experiences that respect and protect natural resources and cultural heritage. Gain real-world skills from a program focused on sustainability, justice and equity.
Land use planningNatural resource managementEnvironmental interpretationProgram managementSustainabilityAccessibility in outdoor recreationPublic lands policy
Outdoor educatorEcotourism managerNaturalistPark rangerNatural resource plannerRecreation managerOutdoor adventure guide

Study the vast field of animal biology – from DNA to ecosystems – and gain a broad scientific foundation that will prepare you for a wide range of careers in the life sciences.
Invertebrate and vertebrate biologyAnimal behaviorPopulation biologyEnvironmental physiologyGenetics and cell biologyEcology and evolutionConservation biology
Animal scientistAnimal breederField biologistConservationistAnimal care and husbandryLaboratory animal researchCuratorial and museum management
Undergraduate certificates (5)

Climate Change Solutions
Undergraduate Certificate
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the physical and social sciences behind climate change so you can develop the skills needed to create actionable solutions and seek climate justice.
Climate scienceData analysis and modelingImpact assessmentMitigation strategiesConflict resolutionClimate justice
Climate analystSolutions consultantEnvironmental justice advocateSustainability coordinatorClimate change outreach coordinatorRenewable energy specialistTechnical advisor

Geographic Information Science (GIScience)
Undergraduate Certificate
Discover how to use geographic information technologies, and develop a skill set that is highly valued in science, natural resources, government, industry and business.
SurveyingCartographyRemote sensingGeospatial informationSatellite image analysisGeovisual analyticsWeb mapping
Geospatial logistics analystTransportation surveyorMapping technicianField surveyor

Humanitarian Engineering
Undergraduate Certificate
Build technical engineering skills and learn to analyze the social, environmental and economic context as you work with underserved populations to help gain safe access to vital resources.
Co-designCross-cultural communicationInterdisciplinary teamworkCommunity engagementSustainabilitySocial Impact
Humanitarian organization coordinatorConflict relief project managerDesign engineerNon-profit directorMultinational organization staffResearch scientist

Organic Farming Systems
Undergraduate Certificate
Gain the technical skills and knowledge to make agricultural and food systems environmentally, economically and socially sustainable as you build a career in organic farming.
Organic agricultural systemsSourcing and efficacyDisease managementOrganic cropping systemsSoil managementWeed managementOrganic crop design
Lead gardenerFarm managerAgricultural specialistLandscape architectSales manager

Urban Agriculture
Undergraduate Certificate
Learn how to capitalize on new agricultural markets that are not addressed by traditional rural farming through innovative farming techniques that produce dynamic food systems.
Pest managementOrganic farming and gardeningCrop ecology and morphologyFood systems and food justiceUrban agriculturePlant nutritionPermaculture design
Urban farmerProduction managerVertical farming specialistFood and agriculture plannerInstallation team leader
Undergraduate microcredentials (2)

General Chemistry
Microcredential (introductory)
Learn important chemical principles and theories, develop safe laboratory practices and broaden your understanding of the societal implications of chemistry.
Dimensional analysisLaboratory techniquesLogarithms and exponential functionsLinear regression analysis

Outdoor Recreation Resource Management
Microcredential (introductory)
Develop practical knowledge and skills for the strategic management of parks and outdoor recreation, including sustainable water and land resource management.
Outdoor recreation managementPublic lands managementProtected area managementCommunicationDiversity, equity and inclusion in outdoor recreation
Learn more about Oregon State’s online bachelor’s degrees, master’s programs and graduate certificates focused on conservation and natural sciences.

B.S. in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences

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