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Meet the learning analytics cohort

Perceptions of learning data in higher education

Designed collaboratively by 12 researchers from nine institutions, the purpose of the Perceptions of Learning Data in Higher Education study is to collect information about student, faculty, staff, and administrator views of how data is used to understand the student experience or to improve student learning in higher education. Through this interview-based study, the research team conducted 59 interviews to help us better understand what different stakeholder groups believe about the ways in which colleges and universities collect, analyze, and make decisions based on learning and learner data. The project was designed with a systems perspective in mind in order to explore benefits and challenges of the use of learning and learner data, ethics and privacy issues and concerns among different stakeholder groups, and ideas and perceptions regarding the current and future uses of learning and learner data.

Explore study results


    • Mary Ellen Dello Stritto, PhD, Director, Ecampus Research Unit
      Oregon State University


Mary Ellen Dello Stritto, PhD, is the Director of Research for Oregon State University Ecampus, where she designs and conducts research studies on online teaching and learning, provides support for faculty research on online education, and produces tools to promote research literacy. Her background is in psychology with a specialization in quantitative methodologies, survey design, and statistical analysis.

  • Rob NylandRob Nyland, PhD, Assistant Professor & Coordinator Learning Design, Development, and Innovation
    Air University

Rob Nyland, PhD, is currently and Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Learning Design, Development and Innovation at Air University. Recently he was the eCampus Research and Innovation Team Manager at Boise State University. He has previously worked as a Learning Engineer for Learning Objects, and as a full-time faculty member of Multimedia Design and Production at Lake Washington Institute of Technology. He is a recipient of the 2017-2018 OER Research Fellowship sponsored by the OER Research Group and funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. He has published articles in such journals as Journal of Computing in Higher Education, International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, and TechTrends.


  • Allen S. Brown Allen S. Brown, Director, Office of Online Education
    Wake Forest University
  • Benjamin Croft Benjamin Croft, Data Engineer
    University of Colorado Boulder
  • Rebecca E. Heiser Rebecca E. Heiser, Doctoral Student
    Athabasca University
  • Shannon McCarty Shannon McCarty, Vice President Academic Affairs
    Bay Path University
  • Darragh McNally Darragh McNally, Assistant Vice President, Academic Services and Quality
    University of Maryland Global Campus
  • Joshua Quick Joshua Quick, Principal Learning Data Analyst, eLearning Research & Practice Lab
    Indiana University – Bloomington

Past participants

  • Sharla Berry Sharla Berry, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Leadership
    California Lutheran University
  • Rebecca Thomas Rebecca Thomas, Postdoctoral Scholar
    Oregon State University Ecampus
  • Marla Wilks Marla Wilks, Educational Program Specialist
    University System of Georgia eCampus