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New Reports

Dello Stritto, M. E., Underhill G. R., & Aguiar, N. R. (2024). Online students’ perceptions of generative AI. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Ecampus Research Unit.

Peer-reviewed Publications

Dello Stritto, M.E., Aguiar, N.R, Underhill, G.R., Turk, C., Lohry-Smith, G., & Lamantain, R. (2025). An undergraduate research program for online students: A design Case. Tech Trends.

Walker, A., Aguiar, N., Soicher, R., Kuo, Y., & Resig, J. (2024). Exploring the relationship between motivation and academic performance among online and blended learners: A meta-analytic review. Online Learning, 28(4), 75-115.

Underhill, G. R. & Turk, C. (2024). Signs of serendipitous universal design for learning in online courses. Online Learning, 28(4), 156-177.

Garcia, H. & Dello Stritto, M. E. (2024). Mentoring experiences of new online teachers: Voices of graduate and early career instructors. Teaching & Learning Inquiry,12, 1-20.

Dello Stritto, M. E., & Aguiar, N. R. (2024). Skills needed for success in online teaching: A qualitative study of experienced instructors. Online Learning, 28(3), 585-607.

Dello Stritto, M. E., Aguiar, N. R., & Andrews, C. (2023). From online learner readiness to life-long learning skills: A validation study. Online Learning, 27(4), 413-439.

Heiser, R., Dello Stritto, M. E., Brown, A., & Croft, B. (2023). Amplifying student and administrator perspectives on equity and bias in learning analytics: Alone together in higher education. Journal of Learning Analytics10(1), 8-23.

Thomas, R. A., & Dello Stritto, M. E. (2021). What is the future of online education? The perceptions of instructors with over a decade of online teaching experience. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 24(4). PDF

Thomas, R. A., & Dello Stritto, M. E. (2021). Student outcomes in online courses: When does class size matter? The Northwest eLearning Journal, 1(1).

Thomas, R. A., & Dello Stritto, M. E. (2021). How psychologists can contribute to educational research in multiple modalities. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 10(1), 113-117.

Past Research Reports

Brown, A., Croft, B., Dello Stritto, M. E., Heiser, R., McCarty, S., McNally, D., Nyland, R., Quick, J., Thomas, R., & Wilks, M. (2022). Learning analytics in higher education: Stakeholder voices. Corvallis, OR. Oregon State University Ecampus Research Unit.

Dello Stritto, M. E., & Linder, K. (2018). Student device preferences for online course access and multimedia learningCorvallis, OR: Oregon State University Ecampus Research Unit.

Linder, K., & Dello Stritto, M. E. (2017). Research preparation and engagement of instructional designers in U.S. higher education. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Ecampus Research Unit.

Linder, K. (2016). Student uses and perceptions of closed captions and transcripts: Results from a national study. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Ecampus Research Unit.

Linder, K. (2016). Implementation of and solutions for closed-captioning in U.S. Institutions of Higher Education. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Ecampus Research Unit.

Briefs & White Papers

Brown, A., Croft, B., Dello Stritto, M. E., Heiser, R., McCarty, S., McNally, D., Nyland, R., Quick, J., Thomas, R., & Wilks, M. (2022, February 9). Learning Analytics from a Systems Perspective: Implications for Practice. Educause Review.

Pappas, R., Robertshaw, B., Mattison Hayes, C., Linder, K. E., Bradoch, A., & Thomas, R. A. (2021). IDEA Paper: Navigating learning analytics in higher education. The IDEA Center.

Thomas, R., Linder, K., Harper, N. Blyth, W., & Yee, V. (2019). Current and future uses of augmented reality in higher education. Manhattan, KS: The IDEA Center.

Dello Stritto, M. E., & Linder, K. (2018, February 6). Leveraging instructional designers for research on teaching and learning: Challenges and opportunities. EDUCAUSE (ELI Brief).

Dello Stritto, M. E., & Linder, K. (2017, August 28). A rising tide: How closed captions can benefit all students. EDUCAUSE Review Online.

Riggs, S., & Linder, K. (2016). IDEA paper: Actively engaging students in asynchronous online classes. Manhattan, KS: The IDEA Center.

Edited Collections & Book Chapters

Bradoch, A., Whitehouse, K., & Linder, K. (2018). Student support and retention services: A primer for next generation e-learning leaders. In A. Piña, V. Walker, & B. Harris (Eds.), Leading and managing e-learning: What the e-learning leader needs to know (pp. 335-350). Springer.

DuPont, J., Harff, S., Park, S., & Linder, K. (2018). Marketing online degrees to adult learners: Staff, resources and key strategies. In A. Piña, V. Walker, & B. Harris (Eds.), Leading and managing e-learning: What the e-learning leader needs to know (pp. 321-334). Springer.

Linder, K., & Mattison Hayes, C., (Eds.). (2018). High impact practices in online education: Research and best practices. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Linder, K. (Ed.). (2018). The business of innovating online: Practical tips and advice from e-learning leaders. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Templeton, L. L. & Linder, K. (2018). Establishing an e-Learning Organization. In A. Piña, V. Walker, & B. Harris (Eds.), Leading and managing e-learning: What the e-learning leader needs to know (pp. 45-59). Springer.


Underhill, G. (2023, December 26). The CAQDAS Quandary Part 2: How a low cost solution could help with your qualitative analysis. [Blog post]. Retrieved from:

Underhill, G. (2023, November 16). The CAQDAS Quandary Part 1: Exploring qualitative software for collaboration. [Blog post]. Retrieved from:

Turk, C. & Dello Stritto, M. E. (2023, August 14). Valuable skills for online students and online instructors. [Blog post]. Retrieved from:

Kronser, Z. (2023, April 14). Oregon State publishes new study about equity and bias in online learner data. [Blog post]. Retrieved from:

Aguiar, N, & Shi, T. (2022, June 16). A white paper series provides actionable insights in course design. [Blog post]. Retrieved from:

Dello Stritto, M. E. (2022, March 7). What is the future of online education? Perceptions of Long-term Online Instructors. [Blog post]. Retrieved from:

Aguiar N. R. (2021, July 30). Impact the future of online education through actionable research. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Thomas, R. A. (2021, June 22). Five considerations for class size in online asynchronous courses. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Dello Stritto, M. E., & Thomas, R. A. (2021, May 14). How social scientists can contribute to online teaching and learning research, teaching, and mentorship. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Thomas, R. A. (2021, May 3). Evaluating online teaching: Interviewing instructors with 10+ years experience. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Thomas, R. A. (2020, October 1). New to teaching online? Avoid reinventing the wheel: Interview results from experiences online instructors. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Thomas, R. A. (2020, September 24). Why continue to teach online? Interview results from experienced online instructors. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Dello Stritto, M. E. (2020, September 21). Ecampus Research Fellows Program. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Dello Stritto, M. E. (2020, May 26). Long-term instructors share most valuable skills for online teaching. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Linder, K. (2019, December 2). Keeping online education affordable and high-quality. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Linder, K. (2019, October 9). Are you looking for concrete strategies to lead innovation on your campus? [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Dello Stritto, M. E. (2019, July 29). Report Reader Checklist. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Dello Stritto, M. E. & Linder, K.  (2019, April 3). Announcing Ten Tips for Report Writers. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Dello Stritto, M. E., & Linder, K. (2019, January 18). Announcing the Report Reader Checklist: Your newest research resource [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Dello Stritto, M. E., & Linder, K. (2019, January 10). Uncovering student device preferences for online course access and multimedia learning [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Dello Stritto, M. E., & Linder, K. (2018, June 12). Student device preference for online course access and multimedia learning [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Dello Stritto, M. E. (2018, May 4). Online learning efficacy research database [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Dello Stritto, M. E., & Linder, K. (2017, November 30). Introducing the online learning efficacy research database [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Dello Stritto, M. E., & Linder, K. (2017, November 2). Research preparation and engagement of instructional designers [Blog post]. Retrieved from