Ali Duerfeldt
On this episode, Katie is joined by Ali Duerfeldt, a marketing manager with Oregon State University Extended Campus and a member of the Marketing and Enrollment Services team. She works with internal and external clients managing strategic marketing efforts. As the marketing manager for the OSU Ecampus Research Unit, Ali has most recently worked to implement strategies to promote research projects like the Online Learning Efficacy Research Database and ID Study, as well as managed the implementation of a rebranding strategy for the “Research in Action” podcast. Ali holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Gonzaga University and a Masters of Education in College Student Services Administration from Oregon State University.
Transcript (.docx)
Show Notes
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Segment 1: Research Dissemination Plans [00:00-11:43]
In this first segment, Ali describes the elements included in a research dissemination plan.
In this segment, the following resources are mentioned:
- Recent Oregon State Ecampus research projects:
- Research Preparation and Engagement of Instructional Designers in U.S. Higher Education (2017)
- Student Uses and Perceptions of Closed Caption and Transcripts: Results from a National Study (2016)
- Implementation of & Solutions for Closed Captioning in U.S. Institutions of Higher Education: Results from a National Study (2016)
- Find additional projects on our current projects page
Segment 2: Coordinating the Dissemination Plan [11:44-23:28]
In segment two, Ali shares her process for coordinating a comprehensive research dissemination plan.
In this segment, the following resources are mentioned:
Segment 3: Branding Research [23:29-35:14]
In segment three, Ali offers her insights on best practices for branding one’s own research as an individual.
In this segment, the following resources are mentioned:
- RIA # 66: Dr. John Nychka on Creating a Professional Philosophy
- Additional resources:
- Project management resources:
- Creative resources:
- Branding resources:
- Debbie Millman resources:
- Branding and the Impact It Has on Business
- Millman, D. (2012). Brand bible: The complete guide to building, designing, and sustaining brands. Beverly, MA: Rockport Publishers.
- Seth Godin: How to get your ideas to spread (TED Talk)
Bonus Clip #1 [00:00-05:10]: Dissemination Plan Example for Research Product
Bonus Clip #2 [00:00-03:50]: Dissemination Plan Example for Research Study
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Twitter: @RIA_podcast or #RIA_podcast
Email: riapodcast@oregonstate.edu
Voicemail: 541-737-1111
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The views expressed by guests on the Research in Action podcast do not necessarily represent the views of Oregon State University Ecampus or Oregon State University.