Online Learning Efficacy Research Database







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Effects of traditional, blended and e-learning on students' achievement in higher education.
Al-Qahtani, A. A., Higgins, S. E.
The study investigates the effect of e-learning, blended learning and classroom learning on students’ achievement. Two experimental groups together with a control group from Umm Al-Qura University in … [more]
The study investigates the effect of e-learning, blended learning and classroom learning on students’ achievement. Two experimental groups together with a control group from Umm Al-Qura University in Saudi Arabia were identified randomly. To assess students’ achievement in the different groups, pre- and post-achievement tests were used. The results of the study (N = 148) show that there was a statistically significant difference between the three methods in terms of students’ achievement favouring the blended learning method (n = 55) with a substantial effect size of 1.34 (Hedges’ g). No significant difference was found between the e-learning (n = 43) and traditional learning groups (n = 50) in terms of students’ achievement and with a negligible effect size of 0.02. 
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2013, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 29(3), 220-234.
  |   Cultural Studies  |   Traditional, Fully online  |   148 Undergraduate
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