The effects of blended learning model on the learning outcome of students in the electrical department of the University of Padang.
Aswardi, A., Nellitawati, N.
The purpose of this research was to determine the difference in learning outcomes through the use of blended learning models and conventional teaching of Electrical Machines subject for students of the Electrical Department, Technical Faculty University of Padang. The research was conducted as a quasi-experiment using 64 students of the electrical department as subjects. The class was randomly divided into experimental and control groups with data collected using an objective test and the lattice questions formulated with reference to the syllabus and learning of the implementation plan of Electrical Machines subject. The results revealed significant differences in the grades of students from the two groups. The average grade of the experimental class was 80,87 while the control class was 74,37. Statistical analysis t-test was used to analyze the hypotheses and the result showed a t-value (2,436)> t-table (2,03) at 0,05 significance level. This means there are differences in learning outcomes using blended and conventional learning models in Electrical Machines for students in Electrical Department, Technical Faculty Padang State University
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2020, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, 12(3), 524-528.