Creating a climate of innovation
This edited collection responds to a critical need for concrete narratives of innovation success that can serve as a foundation for administrators and leaders who are in need of practical guidance as they scale and grow their online learning organizations. Through specific examples and practical suggestions from experienced industry leaders, including five Oregon State University Ecampus administrators, readers are introduced to concrete strategies for how to create a climate of creativity and innovation that can lead to more successful and scalable online programs and initiatives.
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About the book
The Business of Innovating Online provides online education administrators with a comprehensive overview of a range of online innovations, as well as concrete steps they can take to create a more innovative culture for their own online and distance education organization.
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About the contributors
Editor Katie Linder, along with 24 chapter authors, including five of our top-ranked Oregon State Ecampus administrators, have contributed their expertise to demystify the relationship between business, creativity and innovation by outlining the logistics required to create an agile online education enterprise.
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For global society to solve the pressing issues of the 21st century, we require a rapid and exponential increase in access to quality education. The educators included in this book have been at the forefront of some of the boldest initiatives to meet this urgent need. I am encouraged by their accomplishments as well as the lessons they have learned and share here.
– Nina Huntmann, senior director of academics and research, edX
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We conduct world-class research on online education. It's our mission to make online teaching and learning research actionable.
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