Ecampus fact
Ranked top 10 in the nation
Oregon State is ranked on a list of America’s best online bachelor’s programs for the 11th year in a row.
2010 Ecampus Graduates
Michael Brumit
Ed.M, Master of Education
Coos Bay, Oregon
What does completing your degree mean to you? How do you feel it will improve your life and career? A degree is only a key to a doorway of opportunity. Opportunity may come infrequently, but without a key, the door remains closed. Without a key it is as if the opportunity does not exist. Luck is when opportunity and preparedness meet; I have the key, show me the door...
Why did you choose to complete your degree online through OSU Extended Campus? What did you like about this method of education? I chose the Extended Campus because the program is not available to my local community and it was not practical to commute or relocate from my permanent residence.
Did you have an instructor or advisor who was influential in helping you succeed as a distance student? All of my instructors were influential in helping me to succeed. Those instructors with whom I differed in philosophy still challenged me to consider differing points of view and practice within the discipline.
What will your Ecampus degree allow you to do that you were unable to do before? Completing my degree will give me the credentials to teach full time at the community college level. I have been working toward this goal for eleven years. The degree will improve my chances for gainful employment in the competitive economy of the small coastal town I live in. It will also give me the credibility and tools I need to work with others to improve my local community.
Back to 2010 Ecampus Graduate Profiles.
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Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.