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2011 OSU Ecampus graduates
Michelle Arnold – Focused on a fresh start
Master of Education, Organization in Human Resource Education
Del Rey Oaks, Calif.
What does completing your degree mean to you? How do you feel it will improve your life and career?
The opportunities with this program are endless. I am almost overwhelmed by my options career-wise. During the program, I was able to apply all of my academic learning to my current professional position as the manager of a nonprofit. Now as I plan to move forward, I have doors open to me in multiple fields. I feel rejuvenated in regard to my involvement in the work force and am so excited to see what comes next.
It was the only program that allowed me to pursue exactly what I wanted in regard to education without giving up my full-time job and life in my hometown. It also offered a hybrid of online classes and face-to-face meetings, so I was able to work independently at home but also learn from my peers in a classroom setting.
Did you have an instructor or advisor who was influential in helping you succeed as a distance student?
Every instructor in the program was easily accessible to me. I was amazed how quickly all my questions were answers, whether it was about a specific class assignment or a logistical question about the program.
What will your Ecampus degree allow you to do that you were unable to do before?
I am in the process of redirecting my career to leave my current position and move into the world of education. The program also exposed me to the great state of Oregon, and I have realized how much I love it. I'm planning to move there as soon as I secure my new position.
Back to 2011 Ecampus graduate profiles.
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Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.