Contacts for Faculty
Need help?
Our team is here to help you with urgent troubleshooting, questions about Canvas, online teaching support and more.
Our office is open Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., except for holidays.
Reach out, and you will receive a prompt reply during office hours.
Email us now
Frequently Asked Questions
I would like to develop or redevelop an online course. What should I do first?
You can fill out a form to propose your idea or contact Karen Watté for a more in-depth conversation.
I have an idea for a new Ecampus program or microcredential. How can I bring that idea to life?
You can propose your idea for a new Ecampus program or microcredential by filling out this form or contact Kathryn Howard for a more in-depth conversation.
What’s the best way to learn about online teaching and course design?
OSU Ecampus offers an industry-leading suite of training and development opportunities for faculty. Attend one of our upcoming workshops and events or reach out to Katherine McAlvage for custom training for academic colleges, programs, departments, or schools.
How can I learn more about using Canvas?
OSU uses the Canvas learning management system. If you need help with your Ecampus course, send an email to Ecampus Faculty Support or check out these Canvas resources.
I’m new to teaching online. How do I get started?
Review the Ecampus Essentials and Online Teaching Principles, attend the Ecampus instructor training and other workshops.
I’m considering developing a STEM lab online. How do I know what’s possible?
OSU Ecampus pushes the boundaries of online education. The award-winning Ecampus multimedia team has developed everything from a virtual microscope to 3D-scans of lab specimens for student exploration, so we can work together to bring nearly any lab online. This team is available for development and production for faculty who are developing and teaching Ecampus courses. Contact Victor Yee to explore your options.
Is Oregon State Ecampus hiring faculty or staff?
All positions are hired by individual departments. You can view all current job openings in the Oregon State University employment portal.
I work for another higher ed institution. How can I connect with Ecampus leadership?
We love speaking with other institutions about research and innovation. Karen Watté, director of Ecampus course development and training, looks forward to connecting with you.
I have a student who needs support. Who can they contact?
Depending on their needs, they should reach out to one of two teams. Student services representatives support students with academic questions and issues. Success coaches help Ecampus students navigate balancing school and life through one-on-one coaching sessions.
Features and Navigation
Ready for spring term?
Faculty resources: CRN request, update syllabus, order textbooks, schedule exam proctoring, course rollover. See checklist.
We offer financial support to develop and refresh online programs and courses. Submit a course proposal or a new program proposal.