Quality Matters™ Training
Quality Matters™ is a research-based, peer review course certification process – developed by educators, for educators – that helps ensure the quality of Oregon State Ecampus classes. For faculty who develop and teach online or hybrid Ecampus courses, several workshops are offered by the Quality Matters (QM) organization. Ecampus routinely sponsors faculty who wish to complete these workshops.
Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR)
QM’s flagship workshop on the QM Rubric helps acquaint you with the research-based QM rubric. Knowledge of QM standards can help faculty design and develop effective courses, and can help faculty assess existing courses to determine areas that might benefit from improvement. This two-week workshop is offered online. No pre-requisites, but faculty should have taught online or be developing an online course with Ecampus.
Click the Register Now link below to see upcoming dates and to register.
Peer Reviewer certification
The QM Peer Reviewer Course is required for faculty who wish to become QM-certified peer reviewers. Completion of this course allows you to serve on official QM course design peer reviews at Oregon State and other institutions. This two-week workshop is offered online. Pre-requisites are successful completion of the APPQMR and for-credit, online teaching experience within the last 18 months.
Register now by contacting Katherine McAlvage, Ecampus assistant director of course development and training.
Master Reviewer certification
The QM Master Reviewer Course is required for faculty who wish to become QM-certified master reviewers. Master reviewers lead peer review teams conducting official QM course design peer reviews here at OSU and for other institutions. This two week workshop is offered online. Pre-requisites are successful completion of the APPQMR, PRC, and participation as a peer reviewer on at least two review teams.
Register now by contacting Katherine McAlvage, Ecampus assistant director of course development and training.
Features and Navigation
Ready for spring term?
Faculty resources: CRN request, update syllabus, order textbooks, schedule exam proctoring, course rollover. See checklist.
We offer financial support to develop and refresh online programs and courses. Submit a course proposal or a new program proposal.