Ecampus fact
Ranked top 10 in the nation
Oregon State is ranked on a list of America’s best online bachelor’s programs for the 11th year in a row.
Plagiarism Prevention: Turnitin and Other Resources
Oregon State licenses Turnitin plagiarism and prevention software. Turnitin allows students and faculty to submit assignments to check their similarity against millions of other sources, including websites, journal articles and other student assignments. Once an assignment is submitted, a report is generated that lets users compare text in the assignment and matching text in other sources side-by-side.
Ecampus recommends that faculty encourage students to submit their own work to Turnitin to help them learn how to identify and correct passages that have been improperly quoted or paraphrased.
Turnitin resources for faculty
Turnitin resources for students
Recommended syllabus statement when using Turnitin in your course:
"Your instructor may ask you to submit one or more of your writing assignments to the Canvas-Turnitin plagiarism prevention service. Your assignment will be checked for potential plagiarism against Internet sources, academic journal articles and the papers of other students. Turnitin generates a report that highlights any potentially unoriginal text in your paper. Papers that you submit through Turnitin for this class or any class will be added to the OSU Turnitin database and may be checked against other OSU paper submissions. You will retain all rights to your written work."
Other academic integrity resources
- OSU Online Writing Lab
- Academic integrity for students
- Citations 101
- Style and citation guides (APA, Council of Science Editors, MLA, Chicago Style, and more)
- Student conduct and community standards (to report a conduct incident)
Features and Navigation
Ready for spring term?
Faculty resources: CRN request, update syllabus, order textbooks, schedule exam proctoring, course rollover. See checklist.
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