Ecampus fact
Ranked top 10 in the nation
Oregon State is ranked on a list of America’s best online bachelor’s programs for the 11th year in a row.
Workshop Request
Workshop options
Course numbers under which your workshop may be scheduled:
- 408 undergraduate credit
- 508 graduate credit (approval from the OSU Graduate School needed, see below)
- 808 professional development credit (not applicable to OSU degree)
Note: The 408 and 508 workshops will be charged regular Ecampus tuition and fees (see below).
How to determine the number of credits for your workshop.
Definition of credit hours can be found on the Oregon State University Office of the Registrar website. Please contact the Office of Academic Programs and Assessment for more information.
Generally speaking, one workshop credit requires 30 "class hours."
Your workshop syllabus should outline how the credits are attained, reflecting learning outcomes, activities (group or independent), etc. and the hours associated with each.
Sample workshop credit scenarios:
One credit:
- If a weeklong workshop translates to 35 class hours, assuming one hour for lunch per day, and if all study activity is contained within the announced hours, this would equal 30 class hours and would qualify for 1 credit.
- If the workshop requires readings and essays, and the expected work products are carried out within the scheduled hours, they would contribute to the 1 credit.
Two credits:
- If a workshop that requires 30 hours of contact requires an additional 30 hours or work, which involves studies prior to the workshop and/or requires completing assignments after the workshop, this could translate to 2 credits.
Three credits:
- Content in addition to the activities outlined above should be offered as a part of the workshop equating to an additional 30 hours of "learning/instruction/study."
- Normally 3 credits would translate to 90 hours (30 in class and 60 outside class).
Workshop timeline
Setting up a workshop
- Workshops need to be set up prior to start of start of registration for the term it will be offered (allowing time for students to be Admitted and register to avoid late registration fees).
- Submit syllabus:
Submit your syllabus to 508 credit - instructor must first contact the Graduate School for approval of the workshop prior to requesting a CRN through Ecampus. Please contact Kim Calder, Graduate School, with a copy of your workshop's syllabus for review and approval:
- Complete the online CRN request:
The CRN Request form should be filled out prior to start of registration for the term it will be offered.
Workshop registration information
- Students need to be admitted and registered before term begins to avoid late fees.
- Students will be held to the same deadline requirements as any OSU student.
- Submission of grades:
Each instructor will need to submit final grades via online grading on the web. You will receive instructions toward the end of the term and will be responsible for verifying student participation. We suggest that you keep accurate attendance for comparison to your final grade sheet.
Workshop fees
- 408 – $288 per credit (Canvas and library access)
- 508 – $528 per credit (Canvas and library access)
- 808 – $50 per credit (nonrefundable) additional workshop fees must be approved by the Course Fee Committee prior to the workshop. Note: Workshop access to Library Services and Canvas is limited. Contact for details.
In addition to 808 workshop credits, Ecampus offers noncredit CEUs; please contact Amy Leeds at 541-737-9230 for details.
OSU nondegree admissions fee
- OSU requires an application fee for any person who is not an active OSU student. An active OSU student is defined as someone who has taken at least a 1-credit course with OSU within the last four terms.
Features and Navigation
Ready for spring term?
Faculty resources: CRN request, update syllabus, order textbooks, schedule exam proctoring, course rollover. See checklist.
We offer financial support to develop and refresh online programs and courses. Submit a course proposal or a new program proposal.