Instructional Design Services
OSU Ecampus instructional design services help ensure the design and development of high-quality online and hybrid courses. Instructional designers are innovative experts in pedagogy, educational technology and online and hybrid course design, and they enhance the teaching and learning experience for faculty and students.
“My Ecampus instructional designer is always there for me at the drop of a hat.” – Matt Kennedy, senior instructor, Department of Animal and Rangeland Sciences
When you develop an Ecampus course, you're partnered with an instructional designer, who becomes your main Ecampus contact during your course development. Instructional designers help faculty new to teaching online learn to design and facilitate courses effectively, and they help experienced faculty bring their course designs and teaching to new levels.
Services offered by Ecampus instructional designers
- Expert coaching in online and hybrid course design and pedagogy
- Assistance with planning and curriculum-mapping to ensure alignment of learning outcomes, assessments, activities and course materials
- Creative problem-solving to help you answer the question, “But how would I do that online?”
- Course-building so that materials are posted to the Canvas learning management system in an accessible format, so you can focus on course content
- Expert coaching in online and hybrid course facilitation
- Project management and assistance in planning effective multimedia development for your course
- Expert coaching in educational technologies, including Canvas and the Turnitin plagiarism prevention and detection software
Ecampus course development worksheets
Below are sample worksheets that Ecampus instructional designers use to facilitate the initial stage of course development or analysis prior to course redevelopment.
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Ready for spring term?
Faculty resources: CRN request, update syllabus, order textbooks, schedule exam proctoring, course rollover. See checklist.
We offer financial support to develop and refresh online programs and courses. Submit a course proposal or a new program proposal.