Faculty support
Experts in online course design
Work one-on-one with an instructional designer to build and bring your course online.
International Checklist
- Check that recommended tools are available to all students.
- Students may be restricted from using Google products (GSuite), YouTube, Box, Dropbox, Wikipedia, Citrix Apps, and US media platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. Recommendation: if using remote proctoring services, provide a practice exam for students to test their environment.
- Consider the appropriateness of content for an international audience.
- Ensure assignments available for a variety of contexts or varied locations.
- Consider different norms around government access to content or surveillance of online activity.
- Check links and run through a Firewall blocker.
- Check content that may be blocked in China, or view the list of currently blocked websites in China.
- Other countries do not yet have a database of blocked sites.
Content Delivery
- Check that all content is in Canvas
- Ensure videos are in Kaltura or can be moved to Kaltura. Note: YouTube videos will not be available in all countries.
- Ensure that the workload in the course meets university guidelines for the number of credits. Consider that students work at different paces and factor in a range of time expected on activities when you calculate the workload.
- Check that all course activities are asynchronous.
- If due dates are mentioned, be sure that they are marked with a time zone (PT).
- Provide students with the Canvas student guide on changing their time zone setting so that deadlines are reflected in their own time zone.
- Discussions: provide clear guidance for initial and response posts, use rubrics, vary prompts (assign roles, case studies, video analysis, etc.).
- Assignments: consider the possibility of inconsistent internet access, upload and download speeds and caps. Allow flexibility for students to access large files online via shared link and to submit links to large file assignments rather than file upload.
- Group work: can students collaborate asynchronous? Consider grouping students regionally to allow for time zone variation.
- Use multiple means of communication
- Offer feedback in multiple formats (video, text, audio, etc.)
- Be explicit in feedback about what students did well. Don’t assume that students will understand feedback that only alludes to an issue without providing an example or clear instruction on how to address the issue.
- Survey students to find out feedback preferences.
- Check that the course is designed with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in mind.
- Use plain English in all text communication and assignment descriptions: avoid idiomatic language and vague cultural references that may not be transparent for students from different cultural or language backgrounds.
- Consider shortening text instructions. Be concise and transparent.
- Provide clearer rubrics and models.
- Avoid vague references to “proper grammar” and “Standard English” in rubrics. Instead, ask for clarity in writing and provide specific benchmarks for expectations around register, tone, citation style, etc.
- Include resources for the writing center, office hours, etc. in each writing assignment. Consider requiring a visit to the writing center for feedback.
- Provide clear guidance for participation to accommodate cultural differences in communication styles.
- Provide models or sentence stems for appropriate ways to express opinions and disagreement and to encourage questioning.
- Include opportunities for anonymous peer feedback.
- Encourage a “buddy” system. Students may attend office hours for clarification of assignments in pairs.
- Link to tutoring and/or other support options for students.
Have questions?
For on-campus classes, contact canvas@oregonstate.edu. For Ecampus classes, contact ecampusfacultysupport@oregonstate.edu.
Features and Navigation
Ready for spring term?
Faculty resources: CRN request, update syllabus, order textbooks, schedule exam proctoring, course rollover. See checklist.
We offer financial support to develop and refresh online programs and courses. Submit a course proposal or a new program proposal.