Dr. Wendy Laura Belcher
On this episode of the “Research in Action” podcast, Katie is joined by Dr. Wendy Laura Belcher, an associate professor of African literature at Princeton University with a joint appointment in the Department of Comparative Literature and the Department of African American Studies. Wendy is also the author of the best-seller Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success.
Transcript (.docx)
Show notes
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Segment 1: Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks [00:00-9:42]
In this first segment, Wendy talks about the origin of her book Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success and shares her thoughts on why academics don’t talk about writing and publication.
In this segment, the following resources are mentioned:
- Wendy’s website with additional resources for Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks
- Anne Lamott’s book on writing Bird by Bird
- Wendy’s memoir Honey from the Lion: An African Journey
Segment 2: Tips for productive writing [9:43-19:44]
In segment two, Wendy shares some of the tips and tricks for productive writing that have worked for her or that she has seen work for others.
In this segment, the following resources are mentioned:
- Ulrich’s database
- Academic Writing Month (#acwrimo on Twitter)
- A blogger chronicling the use of Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks
- The article that Katie wrote with the help of Wendy’s suggestion of using a model article to help structure the introduction of multiple texts
- Wendy has created syllabi for Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks – you can get them by tweeting or emailing her
- Email: wbelcher@ucla.edu
- Twitter: @wendylbelcher
Segment 3: Wendy’s current projects and go-to resources [19:45-29:49]
In segment three, Wendy describes her research on Africa and talks about some of her current projects. She also shares when the second edition of Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success will be available.
In this segment, the following resources are mentioned:
- Wendy’s book Abyssinia’s Samuel Johnson: Ethiopian Thought in the Making of an English Author
- Wendy’s new book The Black Queen of Sheba
- Wendy’s recently published book of translation, The Life and Struggles of Our Mother Walatta Petros: A Seventeenth-Century African Biography of an Ethiopian Woman
- Google Scholar
- Google Books
- Encyclopedia Aethiopica
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Email: riapodcast@oregonstate.edu
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