Lisa Templeton
In this launch episode, Katie shares some preview clips from upcoming episodes of “Research in Action” (RIA) and talks with Oregon State University’s Extended Campus Executive Director Lisa Templeton about how the “Research in Action” podcast came to be.
Transcript (.docx)
Show notes
Segment 1: How the “Research in Action” podcast came to be [00:00-8:31]
In this first segment, Lisa and Katie about Oregon State University Ecampus, the outgrowth of the Ecampus Research Unit, and the development of the “Research in Action” podcast.
In this segment, the following resources are mentioned
- The Oregon Ecampus U.S. News and World Report ranking
- The Ecampus Research Unit
- The “Research in Action” website
Segment 2: Preview clips of upcoming episodes [8:32-12:58]
In segment two, Katie shares preview clips of upcoming episodes with Wendy Belcher, John Creswell, Lena Etuk, and a solo episode on juggling multiple research projects.
In this segment, the following resources are mentioned:
- Wendy’s Belcher’s book Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success
- John Creswell’s books Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, A Concise Introduction to Mixed Methods Research and 30 Essential Skills for the Mixed Methods Researcher
Segment 3: Audience engagement for “Research in Action” [12:59-16:53]
In segment three, Katie shares some of the audience engagement methods for “Research in Action” listeners.
In this segment, the following resources are mentioned:
- RIA Website: ecampus.oregonstate.edu/podcast
- RIA Twitter: @RIA_podcast or #RIA_podcast
- RIA Email: riapodcast@oregonstate.edu
- RIA Voicemail: 541-737-1111
To share feedback about this podcast episode, ask questions that could be featured in a future episode, or to share research-related resources, post a comment below or contact the “Research in Action” podcast:
Twitter: @RIA_podcast or #RIA_podcast
Email: riapodcast@oregonstate.edu
Voicemail: 541-737-1111
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The views expressed by guests on the Research in Action podcast do not necessarily represent the views of Ecampus or Oregon State University.