Dr. Nina Huntemann
On this episode of the “Research in Action” podcast, Katie is joined by Dr. Nina Huntemann, director of academics and research at edX. In this role, Dr. Huntemman is leading cross-institution faculty initiatives, developing curriculum strategies and providing pedagogical expertise, managing educational policy projects, and facilitating research across edX university partners. Dr. Huntemann has over 15 years of college-level teaching, program administration, and faculty development experience. She is also a digital media studies scholar and co-director of Women in Games Boston, a professional network for women working in the digital games industry. Dr. Huntemann received her Ph.D. in communication at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Transcript (.docx)
Show notes
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Segment 1: Research at edX [00:00-9:49]
In this first segment, Nina and I talk about edX and Nina’s role as director of academics and research.
In this segment, the following resources are mentioned:
Segment 2: Learning Research Skills at Mid-Career [9:50-20:18]
In segment two, Nina and I talk about the new skills she’s learning in her position and some of her strategies for learning new skills at mid-career.
In this segment, the following resources are mentioned:
- Agile management
- Data Science courses at edX (like Introduction to R for Data Science and Statistical Thinking for Data Science and Analytics)
Segment 3: Working While Traveling [20:19-32:44]
In segment three, Nina shares some more details about the kinds of projects she’s working on at edX and some of her strategies for being productive when she’s on the road including scheduling “download time” before her trips.
In this segment, the following resources are mentioned:
Bonus Clip: Women in Games Boston [00:00-5:45]
In this bonus clip, Nina shares about her experience as an organizer of Women in Games Boston, a networking space for women in the games industry.
In this segment, the following resources are mentioned:
- Women in Games Boston
- Nina’s research in digital gaming – she has co-edited two books: Gaming Globally: Production, Play and Place (Palgrave, 2013) and Joystick Soldiers: The Politics of Play in Military Video Games (Routledge, 2010). She is associate producer of the educational video Joystick Warriors: Video Game Violence and the Culture of Militarism (2013) and produced and directed the educational video, Game Over: Gender, Race and Violence in Video Games (2000), both distributed by the Media Education Foundation.
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Email: riapodcast@oregonstate.edu
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