Faculty Forum 2023

Workshops - May 8

How to conduct research in online teaching and learning [virtual only]

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.

There is great opportunity for Ecampus instructors to conduct research and publish findings that can contribute to the scholarship of teaching and learning. In this interactive workshop, the facilitators will provide a framework for designing research on online teaching and learning, and they’ll guide you through a series of methodological questions to consider. The facilitators also will answer questions about research methodologies and all aspects of the research design process.

Mary Ellen Dello Stritto and Naomi Aguiar, Ecampus

Hot topics for online program leaders [in-person]

1:00 - 2:30 p.m.

Be introduced to some hot topics for those leading Ecampus online programs. Discuss with peers what program leaders need to know about the Department of Education’s regular and substantive interaction policy, best practices for conducting teaching evaluations for online courses, and developing course and program policies for AI-text generative software like ChatGPT. We’ll also cover how you can leverage extra support available for open educational resource adoption.

Shannon Riggs, Stefanie Buck, and Karen Watté, Ecampus

Building a map for powerful instructor presence [in-person]

1:00 - 2:30 p.m.

Join us as we apply the U.S. Department of Education's regular and substantive interaction policy in real time to a sample online course. We'll evaluate course facilitation needs and map out where and how to most effectively engage in the course throughout the term.

Cyndie McCarley and Laurie Kirkner, Ecampus
