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Ecampus News

Jane Vinesky

Oregon State Everywhere: Finding community and support from all points on the map

3 minute read “Faculty made time to tutor me, teach me, counsel me, write recommendations and discuss professional opportunities. Although I was an Ecampus student, the Oregon State community is so strong that I felt its support from wherever I was in the world.” — Jane Vinesky, fisheries, wildlife, and conservation sciences graduate

An up-close view of a monitor with computer code on it.

Oregon State Everywhere: Driven to change lives through computer science online

2 minute read “I have loved my experience online with Oregon State. … I have a bachelor’s degree and MBA already, but I wanted to pursue a postbaccalaureate degree in computer science online in hopes of making a profound impact in health care technology.” — Shane Adams, computer science student

A person holding a dry erase marker writes on a white board, which has various sticky notes placed on it.

What are the keys to effective online course development?

2 minute read How do you create robust and engaging online courses that bring Oregon State’s faculty expertise to students worldwide? A deep dive into the course development process reveals a number of things. Each course development is a custom build, and we pursue quality throughout every stage, ensuring that students are presented with the best possible learning experience.

A person sits at a table while holding a book in their left hand and using an open laptop computer with their right hand.

Leading in the world’s new education landscape

3 minute read Oregon State Ecampus associate provost Lisa L. Templeton shares her insights on why the professional, continuing and online (PCO) education community is uniquely positioned to lead in the world’s new education landscape. That begins by creating pathways to more affordable learning experiences and alternative credentials.

Melissa Whitney, an Oregon State University graduate and enrollment specialist, stands in a farm field at dusk holding a large lens camera.

3 reasons to earn a business and communications microcredential online

2 minute read The field of business and communications is rapidly evolving. And employers need people with the relevant and in-demand skills to meet organizational needs. Enter: microcredentials. In a few short courses, you can gain skills in business and communications and earn a digital badge to signify to employers your unique skills.

5 lessons learned from developing and launching microcredentials online

2 minute read Oregon State Ecampus spearheaded the university’s initiative to develop and launch microcredentials, which are for-credit sequences that consist of at least three courses and 8 credits. While all internal OSU partners were highly supportive, it was somewhat challenging for a four-year public institution that has offered traditional credentials for more than 150 years. Here are five lessons learned from the experience.

Taking wildlife research to the next level with online data analytics master’s program

4 minute read Brent Wolf is a wildlife research biologist with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. He’s also a graduate of Oregon State’s online data analytics master’s program. He was drawn to the program as a way to get a leg up in his current role, and so far it has paid off. “Going for the M.S. in Data Analytics has opened some doors for me that were previously closed,” he said.

Oregon State Everywhere: ‘Consider where you want to go, not where you are’

3 minute read Justin Nelson says the topics covered in Oregon State’s online environmental sciences master’s degree program are ideal for helping students who want to change careers “break into new markets and industries.” Earning a master’s led Justin to a new role working in corporate sustainability strategy.

A woman sits on a bench outside and works on a smart tablet, completing an online application.

When is the best time to submit your application?

3 minute read It’s never too late to continue your educational journey and earn your degree online. At Oregon State Ecampus, we’ve had students graduate at age 24, age 74 and every age in between. Time is on your side, and as you consider applying to learn online with OSU, we want to offer you some sage advice so it remains that way.