Student Resources - Health Services
Medical advice nurse line
All Oregon State students – including Ecampus students – can receive medical advice from a nurse by phone 24 hours a day. This service is provided free of charge by OSU's Student Health Services. A registered nurse will answer the advice line at 541-737-2724. After hours, a medical call center will respond to calls made to 541-737-9355.
Health promotion education
The Student Health Services website includes information and resources regarding sexual health, nutrition, sleep and tobacco cessation.
Student health insurance
OSU Ecampus degree-seeking students who live within 50 miles of OSU's Corvallis campus are eligible to purchase insurance coverage through Oregon State University. Please visit the Student Health Services insurance webpage to learn more about eligibility, payment options and how to enroll.
Immunization requirements
Ecampus students are not required to submit immunization records unless they enroll in a class that meets in person at one of OSU’s locations (Corvallis campus, Portland Center, Bend Cascades campus or Newport’s Hatfield Marine Science Center). If you have questions about the policy, contact the immunization coordinator with Student Health Services at 541-737-7573 or email
Features and Navigation
Academic calendar
Currently it's winter term. See academic calendar for our quarter term schedule.
Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.