Ecampus fact
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Registration Dates
When to register
Please check the priority registration calendar for dates.
What does 'priority registration' mean anyway?
Priority registration is for degree-seeking students. To find out when you can register, log in to Student Online Services, select "Registration," then "Check Your Registration Status." Status schedules will be posted at least one week prior to the beginning of registration. Non degree students will also need to check the schedule for registration dates and times.
Phase I allows students to register for a max of 16 credits. Phase II allows them to add another 3 credits.
Priority registration happens in two phases based on total credits (credits earned plus those credits currently in progress). Because priority registration is based on credits earned, it is very important that students submit official transcripts for credits earned at other institutions. The transcript must be received by the Office of Admissions no later than one month prior to the start of priority registration. Students whose credit from other institutions has already been accepted by OSU do not need to request another transcript. The second phase of registration will be open to wait listing.
Wait listing
All registration restrictions (prerequisites, major/minor/option, etc.), with the exception of Duplicates, Links, and Time conflicts, are enforced at the time a student wait lists the course. However any, duplicates, links, and time conflicts must be resolved at the time the student enrolls in the waitlisted course.
Once you are on the wait list for a course monitor your ONID email account frequently.
When an opening becomes available you will receive an email directing you to return to your registration and enroll in the course within the designated 24 hour window.
If you do not enroll in the course within 24 hours you will be removed from the wait list.
At the time you attempt to register for the course the system will check for registration errors including; Time Conflicts, Duplicates, and Link Errors. If you have a registration error, you must resolve it and enroll within the 24 hours or you will be removed from the wait list and the available seat will be passed on to the next student on the waitlist.
The waitlist process will continue through Sunday midnight at the beginning of the second week of classes. Students may wait list up to three courses.
Features and Navigation
Academic calendar
Currently it's winter term. See academic calendar for our quarter term schedule.
Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.