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Course Delivery - Grading
Grading procedures
Final grades
Final grades are due in the Registrar's Office the Monday morning following finals week.
There are two options for submitting grades:
- Option 1: Keyed Entry
- Option 2: File Upload
To submit grades via a file upload:
- Log into your Canvas course and open Grades
- Click the Export button (upper left corner of screen) to download the gradebook
- Open the Excel .csv file and save it on your computer (keep the File Type .csv)
- Create a column in the spreadsheet for the final course grade, and enter your students’ grades (note the column number for when you perform the upload)
- Follow steps to log into MyOSU and upload the grades from your .csv file (Canvas does not store the CRN; it is not required for the file upload)
Note: only the primary instructor may upload final course grades to Online Services (Banner).
For detailed instructions on how to submit your grades, including more information on Option 1 and 2, visit the Registrar's Office website.
If you have questions about grades, please contact the Registrar's Office at 541-737-4331 or contact Ecampus at 800-667-1465 (option 1) or ecampus.ess@oregonstate.edu.
Grade changes and incompletes
OSU policy states that instructors may grant the student up to one year to complete a course and receive a grade. The student must have completed significant coursework to obtain an incomplete. Maintaining communication and evaluating late coursework can be time consuming and very inconvenient, therefore, the decision to grant an incomplete is up to the instructor.
A student may request that an incomplete (for a course that has not been completed) be granted by an instructor, if the reasons for the incomplete are acceptable to the instructor, and so long as the student is passing the course at the time the request was made. It is recommended that at the time an agreement is made to issue an incomplete that the instructor and student complete a Contract for Completion of I Grade to define the terms under which the incomplete will be completed.
When the student is ready to complete the course, please contact Enterprise Computing (OSU's local Canvas administrators) at canvas.support@oregonstate.edu to re-enable the student’s enrollment in the course.
Below you will find a clear example of an Ecampus instructor's course policy with regard to granting an incomplete to his/her distance students. This policy follows OSU guidelines.
"Take this course only if you plan to finish it in a timely manner (during this term). I assign an "I" or incomplete only when there is a strong and compelling case for doing so (e.g., health reasons, military commitment). I will not consider assigning an incomplete unless the individual has completed over 50% of the course tasks (e.g., the Story paper, papers 1 and 2, and the midterm). Please note that students receiving incompletes are subject to assignment weight reduction (and consequently may not be eligible for A or A- grades) because some of their work will be submitted late."
Extension of time to remove incomplete grade
A student may petition via the Office of the Registrar for an extension of the one calendar year deadline with the concurrence of the faculty. An approved petition will grant an extension of a single additional term, with a maximum of three total extensions being possible. An approved petition for an extension of time to remove an incomplete will be voided at the time of degree conferral. The petition must be submitted before the one year deadline is reached.
To request an extension complete the Extension of Time to Remove Incomplete Grade petition form. Instructor and departmental approval is required. Submit the completed petition and a completed Contract for Completion of I Grade to the Office of the Registrar. If all documents are provided, the instructor and department approve, and the student is eligible, an extension of a single term will be granted. To request an additional terms extension the process must be repeated.
Registrar's Office Incomplete Grade Policy
Timeframe for online changes
Online changes to grades will be allowed for up to one academic year from the term when the course was taken. Any changes that are for a course older than one year will have to be made via a Change of Grade form, submitted to the Registrar's Office.
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