Faculty support
Quality Matters at Ecampus
We can help make sure your course meets the highest quality standards in online course design.
Student Learning Experience (SLE) Survey
The Student Learning Experience (SLE) Survey is administered by the Office of Academic Programs and Assessment (APA).
Teaching at Oregon State University is an essential part of each instructor's responsibilities. Your students' responses to this questionnaire will help instructors identify quality teaching skills and methods or discover ways to improve their courses.
Students are asked to take the time to answer each question individually and add comments in the text boxes. Comments in the text boxes are seen by only the instructors.
Instructors are asked to carefully consider student comments. Also, supervisors for each faculty member or instructor will use this information to encourage teaching excellence. Results of this form are anonymous and are not tabulated until after grades are posted.
Instructions to students for completing SLE
SLE Survey instructions for students
Students experiencing difficulties while completing the Student Learning Experience (SLE) Survey should visit the student FAQs page.
Information for faculty is available on the Office of Academic Programs and Assessment (APA) website.
Features and Navigation
Ready for fall term?
Faculty resources: CRN request, update syllabus, order textbooks, schedule exam proctoring, course rollover. See checklist.
We offer financial support to develop and refresh online programs and courses. Submit a course proposal or a new program proposal.
Ranked top 10 in the nation
OSU Ecampus earned a top 10 ranking for the 10th year in a row on a list of America's best online bachelor's programs. Learn more »