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Course Delivery - Library Services
Library services for OSU Ecampus faculty and students
Library instruction and collection development
Your subject librarian will provide instruction for your classes, design library based assignments, work with you on special projects, and order new library materials in your area. See the list of subject specialists.
Getting started
Please go to the OSU Libraries’ homepage.
For assistance with procedures, policies, troubleshooting and general questions, contact the OSU Libraries reference desk at 541-737-7295 or valley.reference@oregonstate.edu.
For in-depth research assistance, contact one of OSU Libraries' subject specialists.
Requesting books, videos, and instructions for distance students and faculty
The OSU Libraries catalog includes materials in the Valley Library in Corvallis, the Guin Library in Newport, the Cascades collection in Bend, as well as Central Oregon Community College's Library.
- At the main catalog screen search by Keyword, Author, Title, etc., and bring up the full record of the item you want to borrow.
- Verify that its Status is "Available."
- Click on the "Request" button in the row of buttons near the top of the page.
- Fill in your name and university ID.
- Click Submit. For checkout periods, see Library's circulation policies. The item will be sent to you via Fedex and you are responsible for mailing the item back to us.
- If the item isn’t available through OSU, click on the Repeat in “Summit (Orbis)” button. Request books, and some libraries lend videos, by clicking on “Request this Item”.
- Identify yourself as Oregon State U. Your pickup institution is Oregon State, and your pickup location is “Ecampus.” Please be aware that fines for overdue Summit items are 50 cents a day for students and for faculty.
- Check your library record and renew books online. Be sure to check back after requesting renewals for OSU library books and Interlibrary Loan books to see if the lending institution granted the requests. There is no renewal on Summit items.
- For questions about OSU-owned and Summit requests, contact valley.remote@oregonstate.edu.
Requesting journal articles
Many articles are available full-text online through one of our databases. If the article is not available full-text online:
- Click on the 360 Link to Fulltext icon. This will often locate the full-text of the article in another source.
- If the article is not available full-text, you will be taken to a screen indicating that no online version is available.
- Click on the Submit an Interlibrary Loan request link and log in to your interlibrary loan account. The form will automatically be filled in for you.
- Click on Submit.
Your article will be delivered to you via your ONID email account.
Using Interlibrary Loan
Use Interlibrary Loan to request books that are not available in OSU or the Summit Catalog, and journal articles not available full-text online.
- Important! You must first pre-register by filling in the Interlibrary Loan form available with your ONID login.
- If you submit requests to Interlibrary Loan, please note that the item is not available at OSU or through Summit in the Comments Field to expedite your request.
- For questions about Interlibrary Loan, contact valley.ill@oregonstate.edu.
Features and Navigation
Ready for spring term?
Faculty resources: CRN request, update syllabus, order textbooks, schedule exam proctoring, course rollover. See checklist.
We offer financial support to develop and refresh online programs and courses. Submit a course proposal or a new program proposal.