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Online Tutoring - About the Tutors
SMARTHINKING e-structors (tutors) are employees of SMARTHINKING and are not independent contractors. All e-structors have tutoring and/or teaching experience and undergo a rigorous selection process, a comprehensive training program and practicum, and ongoing performance assessments. Over 80% of all e-structors have their Masters or Phds, and 95% of the writing e-structors have advanced degrees.
SMARTHINKING’s tracking of interactions allows its education staff to monitor tutoring sessions and provide a high level of quality control and professional development for our e-structors.
Tutors will:
- Encourage you with constructive criticism
- Help you identify areas for improvement in your work
- Involve you in discussion and problem-solving strategies
- Treat you with respect
Tutors will not:
- Do assignments for you, give answers, or write any portion of your papers
- Review and correct errors without active participation from you
- Comment on grades or predict a possible grade
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Academic calendar
Currently it's winter term. See academic calendar for our quarter term schedule.
Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.