Exams and Proctoring Form
Accommodations and Extensions
Canvas Exam Settings
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Duo and Proctored Exams
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Exam Proctoring: Canvas Exam Settings
Overview | Exams and Proctoring Form | Accommodations and Extensions | Canvas Exam Settings | About Proctorio | Duo and Proctored Exams |
To request test proctoring
- Please log in to the Exams and proctoring form.
- Follow the three steps outlined on the instructor home page.
- Please contact Ecampus Testing at ecampustesting@oregonstate.edu if you have any questions.
Canvas exams
- Canvas exam settings
- Permission to reset exams
- Grant Ecampus permission to reset your exams in the event a student has technical difficulty and you cannot be reached within 10 minutes. Please check “yes” in the appropriate box online.
- If permission is not granted, instructors are expected to be available for contact via telephone during proctoring times to address test proctoring issues.
- Recommended exam setting in Canvas – turn OFF "Let Students See Their Quiz Responses"
- If this setting is ON, and it is defaulted ON for all Quizzes, then students may return at any time and view the entire exam. It does not show only their responses, but the questions and all answer choices. They can then share the questions with other students that have not yet completed the quiz. We strongly recommend this be turned OFF for all Quizzes, and especially for proctored quizzes.
- 72-hour exam windows
- We strongly recommend that the exam “window” be set at a minimum of 72 hours. This provides enough time for distance students who might be in different time zones to have sufficient time to access and complete the exam.
- The recommended ending time for exams is 7 p.m. PST at the earliest. This time provides some flexibility for on-campus proctoring sessions that end at 6 p.m. with some leeway in the event the exam start is delayed due to technical difficulties.
- Permission to reset exams
Final exams
- Dead Week
- Final exams may not be scheduled during Dead Week.
- OSU Academic Regulation 16 states that no final, midterm or comprehensive examinations shall be given during the week preceding final examination week.
- 110-minute rule
- Observe the final examination policy which limits the length of final examinations to 110 minutes. Contact the Registrar’s office with any questions regarding the policy at 541-737-4048.
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Ready for spring term?
Faculty resources: CRN request, update syllabus, order textbooks, schedule exam proctoring, course rollover. See checklist.
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