Ecampus fact
Ranked top 10 in the nation
Oregon State is ranked on a list of America’s best online bachelor’s programs for the 11th year in a row.
Registration and Records Forms
Many of the most commonly used forms for OSU students can be found below. Or return to an overview of all Ecampus policies and forms.
Registration Forms
OSU Change of Grading Basis
To change from A/F grading to S/U grading, and vice versa.
All courses are assigned the A-F or P/N (Pass/No Pass) grading option during registration. Please check with your advisor before selecting S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) grading, as it is not accepted in all majors. Any changes from the A-F option (to S/U) are done by submitting a request via Beaver Hub to the Office of the Registrar. Grade option changes are subject to a change-of-registration fee. Please refer to the academic calendar for the current deadline for change of grading options.
If you are an Ecampus distance student, Ecampus Student Services can facilitate this process. Please contact Student Services at 800-667-1465 (select option 1).
Access change of grading basis instructions:
Audit Registration
Audit registration permits a student to enroll in a course for no credit and no grade.
Please contact your instructor to determine requirements for an audited course. Audit registration begins with the sixth day of classes and ends with the close of registration at the conclusion of the tenth day of classes. In order to audit a course, we suggest that you register for courses at your assigned registration time. You may then file the above form with the OSU Office of the Registrar in the audit registrations period to have your course status changed to audit.
Audit courses are assessed instructional fees at the same rate as credit courses. Any changes to an audit registration are subject to the same procedures, deadlines, and special fees as registration changes to regular courses. Upon completion of an audited course, the designation of "AUD" will be recorded on the transcript. Please refer to the academic calendar for the current deadline for audit registration.
If you are an Ecampus distance student, Ecampus Student Services can facilitate this process. Please contact Student Services at 800-667-1465 (select option 1).
Access this form: audit-registration.pdf
Petition for Late Change of Registration
PLEASE NOTE THAT ANY CHANGE OF REGISTRATION MAY IMPACT YOUR FINANCIAL AID. This is a multipurpose form for the request of late changes to registration. We highly recommend that students thoroughly review the information on the Ecampus changing registration page to identify whether you are eligible to utilize this form. Please contact Ecampus Student Services at or 800-667-1465 (select option 1).
Undergraduate Extra Hours Petition
This petition is for undergraduate students requesting to be allowed to take over 19 credit hours in a given term.
This petition is valid only if your request is for 20-24 hours. Any request for 25+ hours must be approved by the Academic Requirements Committee using the Late Change of Registration Petition form.
If you are an Ecampus distance student, Ecampus Student Services can facilitate this process. Please contact Student Services at 800-667-1465 (select option 1).
Access this form: undergraduate-extra-credits-petition.pdf
Graduate Student Extra Hours Petition
This petition is for graduate students requesting to be allowed to take over 16 credit hours in a given term. If you are an Ecampus distance student, Ecampus Student Services can facilitate this process. Please contact Student Services at 800-667-1465 (select option 1).
Access this form: graduate-student-extra-credits-petition.pdf
Student Records Forms
Undergraduate Change of Academic Program
This form is utilized to change your major, to add a second major, to add a minor, or to change your campus code.
If you are changing your major or switching your status as an on-campus student, Ecampus student or Portland hybrid student, you will work directly with your new academic advisor in submitting the change of major form.
Please contact Ecampus if your have any questions at or 800-667-1465 (select option 1).
Transfer Course Equivalency Petition
The transfer course equivalency petition provides an opportunity for the student and/or an academic unit to identify articulation for a transfer course. In general, students must work with their academic advisor to determine whether this process can be utilized to identify course articulation.
Access this form: transfer-course-equivalency-petition.pdf
Transcript Request Form
This form may be utilized to order official transcripts from OSU’s Office of the Registrar. To order official transcripts via the web, go to Beaver Hub.
Access instructions for ordering official transcripts:
Undergraduate Planned Educational Leave
The Undergraduate Planned Educational Leave Program is designed to allow students to pursue other activities that will assist them in clarifying their educational goals, such as job opportunities and experiences away from campus, military deployment, time to resolve personal or medical problems, or other similar pursuits. To understand the specific requirements associated with the PELP, please thoroughly review the information found on the Undergraduate Planned Educational Leave Program. Please note that in general, PELP may only be requested one time in the course of a student's academic career. As such, we highly recommend that students considering utilizing PELP speak with their academic advisor to determine whether this is the best option for their circumstances.
Access this form: undergraduate-planned-educational-leave-petition.pdf
Additional Forms
Contract for Completion of "I" Grade
OSU policy states that instructors may grant the student up to one year to complete a course and receive a grade. The student must have completed significant coursework to obtain an incomplete. Maintaining communication and evaluating late coursework can be time consuming and very inconvenient, therefore, the decision to grant an incomplete is up to the instructor.
A student may request that an incomplete (for a course that has not been completed) be granted by an instructor, if the reasons for the incomplete are acceptable to the instructor, and so long as the student is passing the course at the time the request was made. It is recommended that at the time an agreement is made to issue an incomplete that the instructor and student complete a “Contract for Completion of Incomplete (I) Grade” to define the terms under which the incomplete will be completed.
Below you will find a clear example of an Ecampus instructor's course policy with regard to granting an incomplete to his/her distance students. This policy follows OSU guidelines.
"Take this course only if you plan to finish it in a timely manner (during this term). I assign an "I" or incomplete only when there is a strong and compelling case for doing so (e.g., health reasons, military commitment). I will not consider assigning an incomplete unless the individual has completed over 50% of the course tasks (e.g., the Story paper, papers 1 and 2, and the midterm). Please note that students receiving incompletes are subject to assignment weight reduction (and consequently may not be eligible for A or A- grades) because some of their work will be submitted late."
Access this form: contract-for-completion-of-incomplete-i-grade.pdf
Petition (For Extension of Time to Remove Incomplete Grade, Examination for Credit/Waiver, and/or Graduation Requirements)
You can reply for admission via Welcome Back to OSU – Next Steps.
Undergraduate and Non-Degree Application for Re-Admission
Complete and submit the readmissions application to the Office of the Registrar.
Admissions Application Change
Undergraduates students can make changes to term of admission, major, and/or campus location before you have matriculated into OSU by logging in to Beaver Basecamp.
Note: Your application fee is valid for one term change within three consecutive terms of the original application term. Requesting more than one subsequent term change or a change request for a term beyond three consecutive terms will require submission of a new admission application and application fee.
Features and Navigation
Academic calendar
Currently it's winter term. See academic calendar for our quarter term schedule.
Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.