Exam Proctoring: Finding a Proctor
If you are unable to use Proctorio, here is information to assist you with locating an in-person proctor in your area. To protect the integrity of exams, personal laptops are not allowed when using an in-person proctor and exams may not be administered in a private residence; only in a professional proctored environment.
Please note: Acceptable in-person proctors must administer exams in a face-to-face environment; remote proctoring is not allowed.
Oregon State Ecampus reserves the right to reject any proposed proctor or any previously approved proctor. Submitting a proctor who does not meet the acceptable proctor criteria may delay your proctor request.
To submit your proctor choice, you will need to complete the exams and proctoring form.
Acceptable proctors
- The official testing center at a community college or university
- College/university administrators, tenure and tenure track faculty, and academic advisors will only be considered when an official testing center is not available
- Certified librarians at a public library, college, or university (Note: not all libraries offer the service and not all meet our requirements)
- Educational officers of a military installation or correctional facility
- OSU Extension offices in any Oregon county
All proctors must have a verifiable professional email address, be able to provide a computer with internet access for up to two hours, and monitor the student during the exam. All proctors must be approved by Ecampus Testing. Previous approval of a proctor does not guarantee approval in subsequent terms or for subsequent exams. Ecampus Testing reserves the right to deny a proctor at any time.
Unacceptable proctors
This list is not all-inclusive. Ecampus may deny any proctor that appears unacceptable or revise this list at any time without notice.
- Any proctor that has previously demonstrated an inability to comply with our guidelines
- College/university adjunct faculty, GTA's, and visiting lecturers
- K-12 employees including teachers, principals, and counselors
- Athletic coaches
- Relatives or spouses/partners/significant others
- Friends and/or roommates of the student or student's family
- Co-workers, supervisors or business associates of the student or student's family
- Peers or students (either OSU or from other institutions)
- Anyone who does not have a verifiable, professional email address (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. are unacceptable)
- Anyone who cannot provide a computer with internet access for up to two hours
- Anyone who cannot monitor the student during the exam (note: many libraries have difficulty with this requirement)
Questions about finding a proctor?
Email Ecampus Testing or call 800-667-1465 or 541-737-9281. Our office hours are 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. PT Monday through Friday.
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Academic calendar
Currently it's winter term. See academic calendar for our quarter term schedule.
Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.