Ecampus fact
Ranked top 10 in the nation
Oregon State is ranked on a list of America’s best online bachelor’s programs for the 11th year in a row.
Course Delivery - Syllabus
Syllabus templates
The purpose and importance of a course syllabus
The course syllabus forms the basis of a contract between instructor and the enrolled students. A clearly-worded syllabus is essential for distance students who may not have the ability to check their understanding of your requirements by catching you in the hallway after class. By using this official document to precisely state your expectations for learning and behavior in your course, you will minimize possible confusion and misunderstanding.
Ecampus syllabus templates
Ecampus has created a syllabus template as a modifiable Word document file for your ease of use. It is meant not as a static document, but is a starting point for structuring and communicating key information about your course. [last updated 11/19/2024]
Instructions for syllabus template use
Sections are marked in the syllabus templates to distinguish between:
- OSU Required sections, which are required by guidelines established by OSU academic programs and the Curriculum Council. These must be included and required verbiage may not be adjusted.
- Ecampus Required sections, which are required by Ecampus.
- Ecampus Recommended sections, which are recommended by Ecampus to support your distance learners.
- Ecampus Optional sections, which may be included if they are relevant to your course.
Recommendations for syllabi
It is a good idea to:
- Avoid using specific dates in the syllabus so that it does not need to be updated every term. Noting that an assignment is due on "Friday of Week 2" is fine.
- Post your course syllabus as a Word document. Word documents are more accessible for students using assistive technology, and they are reusable/editable by faculty that may teach the course in the future.
Posting your syllabus
Sylllabi in Ecampus courses are usually posted in the "Start Here - Syllabus" page, or on the course "Syllabus" tab (if enabled). If you need assistance posting your syllabus, please contact Ecampus Faculty Support at
Features and Navigation
Ready for spring term?
Faculty resources: CRN request, update syllabus, order textbooks, schedule exam proctoring, course rollover. See checklist.
We offer financial support to develop and refresh online programs and courses. Submit a course proposal or a new program proposal.