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Ecampus Exam Proctoring
Ecampus Testing is a liaison between OSU instructors and proctoring services for Ecampus courses that require proctored exams. Ecampus Testing works with approved online proctoring vendors and with students on finding acceptable proctors in their local area. Information on acceptable versus unacceptable proctors is available on the Ecampus Finding a Proctor page.
Things to consider
Whether or not a proctor is required for exams in an Ecampus course is up to the instructor. Here are some things to consider:
Reasons to have proctored exams are:
- If the exam is intended to assess memorization
- If students need to be in a controlled, timed testing environment to accurately assess their learning in the course
Reasons not to have proctored exams are:
- Materials permitted include open book or open notes
- If the exam requires unique or individualized problem solving instead of memorization
- If students do not need to be in a controlled, timed testing environment to accurately assess their learning in the course
The cost of proctoring for students
Proctorio automated proctoring will be free for our students and no scheduling is required, achieving more equitable testing practices and increasing access and affordability for all students in courses using proctored exams.
If Proctorio automated does not work for your course, proctoring fees range among proctoring services and locations from $15–$55 per exam. Additional charges may apply depending upon how far in advance students schedule exams.
Proctoring fees can add up fast for students outside of the local area.
- For example, if a student is taking three courses that have three exams each, all requiring a proctor, this could be an additional cost of $495 per term for the student.
Proctored exams
If you decide to have proctored exams in your Ecampus course(s), do the following:
- Contact your course scheduler to ensure your course description includes “Proctored exam(s) required” before registration begins for that term
- University scheduling policy does not allow proctored exams to be added to a course once registration opens
- Utilize online exams in Canvas with an exam window of at least 48 hours, ideally including at least one weekend day.
- This allows all students to use accessibility tools within Canvas
- Paper exams limit available proctoring options. Please contact Ecampus Faculty Support if you need assistance transitioning your paper exam to an online format.
- Use your ONID to log into the Exam and Proctoring Form to provide Ecampus Testing exam information for your course
- Submit exam information before the first day of the term (students are unable to submit proctors for approval until you have submitted exam instructions for your course)
- Confirm your exam dates and passwords in Canvas match the exam information that you submitted to Ecampus Testing
If you have questions about proctoring, please email Ecampus Testing or call us at 541-737-9281.
If you have questions about Proctorio, please see the About Proctorio page for more information about the tool, exam design considerations, and setup.
For questions related to Canvas, please email Ecampus’ Course Development and Training team.
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Ready for spring term?
Faculty resources: CRN request, update syllabus, order textbooks, schedule exam proctoring, course rollover. See checklist.
We offer financial support to develop and refresh online programs and courses. Submit a course proposal or a new program proposal.