Faculty support
Experts in online course design
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QM Online Course Design – Certified Courses
Dozens of Ecampus faculty have earned Quality Matters certification of their course through a collegial peer review process. This is a significant accomplishment that means a course has met rigorous, research-based standards of course design.
Here is a current list of the Ecampus courses (listed alongside their instructors) that are QM-certified. Put your course on the track for certification by enrolling in an Ecampus QM training session today.
Course | Instructor |
AEC 253 – Environmental Law, Policy, and Economics | Christy Brekken |
ATS 201– Climate Science | Andrea Allan |
BI 311 – Genetics | Meta Landys |
BI 319 – Theory, Practice and Discourse in Life Sciences | Meta Landys |
COUN 431 – Social Change: Addictions and Treatment | Margaret O'Hara |
COUN 531 – Developmental Perspectives in Counseling | Arien Muzacz |
COUN 533 – Addictive Behavior Counseling | Arien Muzacz |
COUN 581 – Cross-Cultural Counseling | Arien Muzacz |
CROP 200 – Crop Ecology and Morphology | Alyssa Duval |
CS 161 – Introduction to Computer Science I | Tim Alcon |
CS 162 – Introduction to Computer Science II | Tim Alcon |
CS 391 – Social and Ethical Issues in Computer Sciencee | Danielle Safonte |
ED 471/571 – Multicultural Linguistics | Nelly Patino-Cabrera |
FES 447/547 – Arboriculture | Paul Ries |
FILM 145 – Intro to Film Studies, 1968-1999 | Stephen Rust |
FW 209 – Career Skills in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences | Shalynn Pack |
FW 255 – Field Sampling of Fish and Wildlife | Dana Sanchez |
FW 331 – Ecology of Marine and Estuarine Birds | Rachael Orben |
FW 370 – Conservation Genetics | Renee Albertson |
GEOG 560 – GIS I: Introduction to Geographic Information Science | Kuuipo Walsh |
HDFS 444 – Family Violence and Neglect | Lori McGraw |
HDFS 447 – Families and Poverty | Lori McGraw |
HDFS 461 – Program Development and Proposal Writing | Lori McGraw |
HHS 231 – Lifetime Fitness for Health | Daniel Roberson |
HHS 523 – Public Health Impact | Jill Hoxmeier |
HORT 212 – Introduction to Organic Agricultural Systems | Deanna Lloyd |
HORT 255 – Herbaceous Ornamental Plant Materials | Al Shay |
HST 101 – History of Western Civiliation | Scott Ables |
IE 584 – Systems Engineering | Jennifer Wilby |
KOR 111 – First Year Korean | Sunyoung Kim |
MGMT 453/553 – Human Resources Management | Michele Swift |
SOIL 395 – World Soil Resources | Kimberly Japhet |
SUS 420 – Social Dimmensions of Sustainability | Jen Myers |
Z 423 – Environmental Physiology | Meta Landys |
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Ready for spring term?
Faculty resources: CRN request, update syllabus, order textbooks, schedule exam proctoring, course rollover. See checklist.
We offer financial support to develop and refresh online programs and courses. Submit a course proposal or a new program proposal.