Faculty support
Experts in online course design
Work one-on-one with an instructional designer to build and bring your course online.
Accessibility in Ecampus Courses
Ecampus strives to use a universal design (UDL) approach, creating all course materials in accessible format during development so that little or no retrofitting of content is needed when students with disabilities enroll in an Ecampus course. Using a UDL approach benefits many students, even beyond those with documented or undocumented disabilities. A recent Ecampus Research Unit study, for example, showed how and why many students use closed-captioning.
Students in Ecampus courses can receive assistance from OSU's Disability Access Services but must register with DAS each term. You can help students by sharing this link: Getting started with DAS.
Check your course
As you develop your Ecampus course, your instructional designer will help you ensure that your course materials are accessible. If you would like to check your own course’s accessibility, you can use the Allly tool or the UDOIT accessibility check tool.
Quick reference accessibility guides
Ecampus has created the following quick reference guides to help you create accessible course content:
Features and Navigation
Ready for spring term?
Faculty resources: CRN request, update syllabus, order textbooks, schedule exam proctoring, course rollover. See checklist.
We offer financial support to develop and refresh online programs and courses. Submit a course proposal or a new program proposal.