Faculty support
Engaging, high-quality content
Our award-winning multimedia team brings your course material to life online.
Educational Technology
Below are a list of tools that OSU Ecampus has adopted and is using in active courses and/or those we are exploring and piloting with faculty to assess their viability and scalability and effectiveness with online students.
If you are interested in using an educational technology not represented here or need assistance with using these tools in your own courses, contact ecampusfacultysupport@oregonstate.edu.
Turnitin is Oregon State University’s plagiarism prevention and originality reporting service, integrated with Canvas.
Turnitin guides
Zoom is the OSU web-conferencing system for faculty and staff that includes features such as screen sharing, audio/video conferencing, file sharing, and chat. (Zoom replaces Webex as of July 31, 2019.)
Zoom guides
Kaltura (MediaSpace)
Record audio, video, screencasts and more with OSU’s video solution, Kaltura. It can be accessed through Canvas or directly at OSU MediaSpace.
Kaltura guides
Peerceptiv Peer Review
Peerceptiv is research-validated peer assessment tool that scales to large classroom enrollments. This tool is currently being piloted by instructors.
Peerceptiv overview
Google G Suite
Collaborate on projects, secure your files, build rich multimedia presentations and more with G Suite applications from Google.
Google guides
Box is a tool for storing personal files, coursework and most types of research data. You can upload entire folders from your device or create new Microsoft files right in the Box environment, then share your data with other Box users.
Box guides
Features and Navigation
Ready for spring term?
Faculty resources: CRN request, update syllabus, order textbooks, schedule exam proctoring, course rollover. See checklist.
We offer financial support to develop and refresh online programs and courses. Submit a course proposal or a new program proposal.