Ecampus fact
Ranked top 10 in the nation
Oregon State is ranked on a list of America’s best online bachelor’s programs for the 11th year in a row.
New Course Proposal Instructions
Funding to Develop Ecampus Courses
OSU Extended Campus is offering financial support to departments to develop new online courses or upgrade established courses. Priority will be given to courses that enhance existing degrees and programs and/or proposed future degrees and programs, offered to nontraditional students through OSU Extended Campus.
Proposals may be submitted by the department chair or by an instructor (with approval of the department chair). Proposals will be accepted and evaluated for funding on an ongoing basis.
All instructors, departments, and students are provided with extensive support services, as delineated in the MOUs with each college and on the Ecampus website:
Ecampus will allocate funding to the department in a range from $1000 to $5000 per course. These funds are to support faculty participation in providing course content and working with the Ecampus Project Development Team on course design and production.
Ecampus will provide at our cost basic course development and production (instructional design and best practices, including accessibility and copyright; project management; media development; Canvas course development, training, and on-going support). Faculty training is available for all instructors (Canvas, multimedia, pedagogy for online courses and video production).
Amount of funding will be determined by the complexity of course design and the resulting demands upon the faculty member. Most courses will be funded in the $1000 to $3500 range. The applicant should inquire about the availability of matching funds from their department or college. Ecampus funding is in addition to tuition revenue-share.
Funds are sent to the academic department by budget transfer. To ensure accurate processing, please provide the index/activity code, contact person, and their phone number for transferring funds upon completion of development.
- Course must be designed and delivered through the Canvas learning management system. Multimedia components and web technologies may be included in course design, as needed to meet specified learning objectives.
- Instructor/content expert must work with the Ecampus course development team to design the course according to best practices in online education and OSU accreditation standards.
- Course will convert readily to online delivery without excessive development cost.
- Department accepts responsibility for the curriculum and quality of instruction.
- Instructor/content expert will follow best practices.
- Course will be available to all OSU students who meet prerequisites.
- Instructor/content expert must demonstrate basic skills in computer use.
- Department must give approval for on-going offerings of this course in order to accommodate student demand for the course and to recoup development costs over time.
Applicants are asked to complete a web form, which asks for the following information:
- Course designator, credits, and title.
- Instructor/content expert and his/her contact information.
- Indication of department approval for course development and ongoing offerings (per "Requirements" above), if proposal is not submitted by the department chair. This approval can be by separate email to Lisa Templeton.
- Degree, program, or certificate to which this course would apply and the role/importance of this course to the program; and/or description of audience or express need for this course.
- Proposed actions, including personnel, preliminary ideas for course design, terms to be taught, learning materials and online resources upon which the course will be based. Describe media requirements. Please attach a course syllabus.
- Amount of matching funds from the department or college (if any) and any other relevant comments about budget to be considered in determining Ecampus funding. These funds will not need to cover basic course design or production, normal copyright permissions, instructor training, or uploading of course content.
- Proposed evaluation of course and instruction (online OSU "Student Learning Experience (SLE) Survey" is used for all Ecampus courses).
- For major revisions of existing online courses, include a brief history of course, enrollment, and any proposed changes in course design.
Submission of Request
You may submit a new course proposal using the Request for Proposals form. To assist you with the form process, please review the PDF preview of the form, showing all of the fields you will need to complete.
Submit a new course proposal
Review of Proposals
Proposals will be reviewed weekly by the OSU Extended Campus Intake team in consultation with program leaders and department chairs and must fit at least one of the following categories, in addition to meeting the requirements specified above:
- Course adds significant value to the distance delivery of existing Ecampus degrees, minors, licensure, graduate certificates, and other credit programs (Ecampus degrees and programs).
- Course will meet critical program needs; provide new options, additional minors, Bacc Core, WIC, etc.
- Course is required by degrees, certificates, or minors delineated in the existing MOUs with each College.
- Course has potential for high enrollment to a defined audience.
- Course or cluster of courses proposed will lead to a new degree or program within the next two academic years (plan for implementation must be presented with proposal for funding of courses and must have approval of College and department chair).
- Course is an existing Ecampus offering in need of updating or revision.
Announcement of Award
Decisions will be announced to applicants bi-weekly on an ongoing basis.
Upon acceptance, an MOU will be drawn up with the department for course production, use of course and materials, control and credit, distribution of supporting funds, and course delivery.
Please address questions to or call Lisa at 541-737-1279.
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Ready for spring term?
Faculty resources: CRN request, update syllabus, order textbooks, schedule exam proctoring, course rollover. See checklist.
We offer financial support to develop and refresh online programs and courses. Submit a course proposal or a new program proposal.