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Tuition and Fees Calculator

2024-25 academic year tuition rates

Students pay tuition and fees per quarter credit hour according to their program type. See the tuition and fees page for more details.


You may use this tuition calculator to create a rough estimate of the total cost of tuition for new students for the 2024-25 academic year. Please note, tuition is subject to change. Rates include standard fees, but not all fees may be included. This calculator does not include information or guidance about financial aid or Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) eligibility. Estimates are not final or binding, and Oregon State University disclaims any liability arising from the use of or reliance upon the calculator by any person. Subject to change without notice. You can also learn more about the cost of attendance through the Office of Financial Aid.

Ecampus program cost calculator

Please answer these questions about yourself and your interests.

Please select the type of program you're interested in.

Please select the program you're interested in.

Please indicate whether or not you're an existing OSU student.

Please indicate whether or not you plan to pursue an honors degree.

Please indicate whether or not you're an international student.

Please select your military status.

Please indicate your military tutition assistance plans.

Enter number of quarter-term credits

Note: Oregon State University is on a quarter-term system. There are four quarters each year and classes are 11 weeks long including one week for finals. How does a quarter term compare to a semester term?

Want to pursue an Oregon State Ecampus degree? To determine the total number of quarter-term credits required for your Ecampus program of interest, you'll need to check the graduation requirements of that degree/program and subtract your best estimate of how many transfer credits you have from the program's total number of credits. Most four-year undergraduate programs require a total of 180 quarter-term credits.

Just want to take a few Oregon State Ecampus courses? Most courses are 3 to 4 quarter-term credits each. Therefore, four courses might equal 12 credits. Check the Ecampus schedule of classes to review online courses and their numbers of credits. Course credits are found in parentheses next to course titles.

Please include your estimated total credits.


Calculator results

Estimated Ecampus program costs

Returning OSU student:
Inernational student:
Military tuition assist:
Application fee:
Matriculation fee:
Cost per credit:
Total credits:
Honors degree cost:

$   estimated cost of tuition ^

^ This tuition calculator does not include applicable course fees, textbooks and supplies or other expenses (such as proctored exams). While book/supply costs vary significantly between different subjects and courses, a reasonable average books/supplies cost is $16.67/credit.

$   estimated cost of tuition + $16.67/credit books/supplies expenses ‡

‡ In addition to estimated books/supplies costs included in the box above, you are likely to have other academic expenses such as proctored exams. For budgeting purposes, you will also want to consider living costs such as housing, food, transportation, personal and miscellaneous expenses.

Learn more about the cost of attendance »

Military education benefits

Explore the GI Bill Comparison Tool for additional information on how to maximize your military education benefits.

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