Getting Started: Nondegree Students
Welcome! This is a helpful guide for newly admitted online students at Oregon State University who are ready to start taking courses. This guide is for nondegree students.
Not admitted? Please visit our "Ready to Apply?" information page for application procedures and requirements for OSU.
Step 1: Set up your ONID (OSU Network ID) and DUO
An ONID account is required to register for classes, access course sites, and receive a university email address. Please review these detailed ONID sign-up instructions. Please note: If you're a former student who is returning to Oregon State, you may need to reactivate your ONID account.
After you set up your ONID account, you will be required to sign up for DUO, a mandatory two-step authentication system.
Step 2: Check your email
Your ONID email is your official email and can be accessed through Microsoft 365/Outlook. Billing notifications and all other Oregon State communications will be sent there. You must check your ONID email regularly.
ONID Username example:
ONID Password example: 1Two3Four
If you need additional assistance accessing your OSU email account, please contact the Service Desk.
Step 3: Complete the Ecampus Online Orientation for nondegree students to receive a registration PIN number
The Ecampus Online Orientation for Nondegree Students provides you with important information about online and hybrid courses at Oregon State as well as systems and services that support nondegree students.
Completing the online orientation is required to receive a registration PIN number, which you will need to register for classes at Oregon State. You must complete the online orientation before registering for classes.
Ecampus online and Portland hybrid students do not need to attend START, which is Oregon State's orientation program for on-campus students.
Step 4: Complete the ALEKS math placement assessment
The ALEKS math placement assessment helps identify the right math course for you if you are taking a class with a math prerequisite restriction. ALEKS scores can serve as prerequisites for math courses.
All first-year students must take the math placement assessment.
All transfer students must take the math placement assessment, unless you have earned a C- or better in a college-level math course from another college or university, or from a AP, CLEP or IB exam.
A college-level math course is defined as college algebra (MTH 111) or higher.
If it has been more than a year since your last math course, taking the ALEKS math placement assessment is strongly recommended. Taking the assessment will allow you to access tutoring modules that are a great refresher before taking your next math course.
Step 5: Register for classes
Completing the Ecampus online orientation for nondegree students is required before registering.
Before you register, view the step-by-step registration guide. If your course has prerequisites or other registration restrictions, you may need a course override.
Also, review information about steps to take if you need to change your registration after courses begin. Specific policies and procedures govern adding and dropping courses, refunds after the start of the term, late registration and course withdraws. Changes to registration can affect financial aid awards and eligibility.
Step 6: Tuition, fees and billing
Review our tuition and fee information to ensure you understand the cost of courses.
All Oregon State bills are sent electronically. Detailed billing information is available from business affairs.
You can view and pay your bill online.
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Academic calendar
Currently it's winter term. See academic calendar for our quarter term schedule.
Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.