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Academic Regulations
Oregon State University Ecampus students follow all of the academic regulations as Oregon State's on-campus students. These regulations and procedures are published to assist students by providing information that is essential for planning and pursuing their academic programs. Continuing efforts are made each year by the students, faculty, and administration to revise and improve these regulations in order to enhance the quality of the university's programs and the achievement of educational goals.
Every student is responsible for knowing the academic regulations and for observing the procedures which govern his or her relations with Oregon State University. Unless otherwise specified, these regulations apply to both undergraduate and graduate students. Any question regarding these regulations which cannot be answered by a student's academic advisor should be referred directly to the Office of the Registrar. Additional information regarding Graduate School policies should be addressed to the Office of the Graduate Dean.
Some students encounter special problems whose proper solution may require deviations from the academic regulations or procedures. Requests for such deviations in the regulations below must be presented to the Office of the Registrar on petition forms which are available in that office. Petitions received by the Registrar will be forwarded to the proper committee or office for review and appropriate action. Requests for deviations from Graduate School policies should be presented by letter to the graduate dean.
Other special problems may involve academic issues such as academic freedom in the classroom or evaluations of a student's academic performance. All students should appeal academic grievances first to the instructor of the course and then to the chairman or head of the department in which the course is offered. If the situation is not resolved to the student's satisfaction, an undergraduate student should consult with the head advisor of the college in which the course is offered to obtain further information about appeal procedures of the college or university; a graduate student should consult the dean of the Graduate School regarding academic appeal procedures above the departmental level. (Appeal procedures for other than academic grievances, e.g., grievances regarding student employment, financial aid, housing, discipline, human rights, etc.-are outlined in the Student Life Policy and Regulations. Some of these regulations pertain to both undergraduate and graduate students. The Graduate Catalog outlines both academic appeal procedures and those relating to the employment of graduate students.)
View Oregon State University's Academic Regulations.
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Academic calendar
Currently it's winter term. See academic calendar for our quarter term schedule.
Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.