Microcredentials Online

In-demand skills. Career-building education.

Employers everywhere need professionals with the knowledge to help their businesses thrive. By earning an Oregon State University microcredential online, you’ll develop the highly specialized skills you need to boost your career and stand out in the job market.

Microcredentials allow you to gain skills in focused subject areas in less time than a full degree program. Typically, you can complete a microcredential in 9-12 months. With options at both introductory and advanced levels, you can choose a microcredential that matches your experience and aligns with your career goals. Learn more about microcredentials »

Taniah Johnson smiles behind an open laptop as she looks out a window

Browse online microcredentials

All microcredentials are delivered online. Some may be available on campus.

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53 microcredentials available


Undergraduate microcredentials (48)

Applied Behavior Support Basics

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Develop the skills to understand developmental milestones, promote inclusive and supportive practices, and apply behavior modification techniques as you support people at all life stages.

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Autism and Neurodiversity: Lifespan Development and Disability Justice

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Gain insight into human lifespan development and the psychological aspects of disability as you learn how to approach neurodiversity with a focus on empowerment and inclusion.

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Business and Professional Writing

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Sharpen your professional writing and communication skills and gain helpful strategies for creating clear and concise technical documents, presentations and more.

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Business of Viral Content Creation

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Learn to strategically analyze and produce content with the intention of building your own platform and brand, and sharpen your content gathering, evaluation and writing skills.

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Child and Youth Development

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Gain a broad understanding of human development from infancy through adolescence, including the influence of family, community, school and peers.

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Children and Youth With Disabilities

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Learn how to promote more inclusive support for children with diverse needs and abilities by better understanding the associated developmental, educational and family challenges.

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Chinese (Introductory)

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Learn the essentials of colloquial Mandarin with an emphasis on conversation, reading and writing, and build a foundation that enables you to communicate with a global network.

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Consumer Analytics Fundamentals

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Equip yourself with the marketing and analytics skills to make decisions that advance organizations, and learn to apply human behavior principles to various business contexts.

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Content Development and Production

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Enhance your creativity and gain the applied skills to visualize a text narrative into an audio/visual media production, and develop the ability to manipulate sound media.

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Digital Marketing Fundamentals

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Understand digital channels, tools and trends — including search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) — so you can grow your business and advance its goals.

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Disparities and Discrimination Through an Economic Lens

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Take part in the economic analysis of disparities with a focus on theories and evidence of discrimination, sources of employment and wage disparities, and policies to remedy economic inequality.

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Economic Foundations

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Study how institutions allocate resources, the consequences of resource distribution, and learn to analyze decisions in markets and everyday settings.

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Engineering Mechanics

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Develop the skills to adeptly work with engineering technology, complete first-line engineering tasks and more as you build the foundational knowledge every engineer needs.

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General Chemistry

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Learn important chemical principles and theories, develop safe laboratory practices and broaden your understanding of the societal implications of chemistry.

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German (Introductory)

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Develop foundational speaking, writing, reading and comprehension skills in German, and learn about German culture while gaining the skills to converse with others in the language.

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German (Intermediate I)

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Develop intermediate speaking, writing, reading and comprehension skills in German, and learn about German culture while gaining the skills to converse with others in the language.

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German (Intermediate II)

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Develop intermediate speaking, writing, reading and comprehension skills in German, and learn about German culture while gaining the skills to converse with others in the language.

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German (Advanced)

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Develop advanced speaking, writing, reading and comprehension skills in German, and learn about German culture while gaining the skills to converse with others in the language.

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Human Lifespan Development

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Study the physical, cognitive and social changes that occur in humans from infancy to adulthood while gaining the skills that enable you to support people and communities effectively.

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Indigenous Studies

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Study Indigenous experiences and learn how to critically assess colonialism and power dynamics, so that you can respectfully engage and collaborate with tribal communities.

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Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Opportunity Identification

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Learn design-thinking principles that will help you identify and scale emerging business opportunities, and learn entrepreneurship basics and a framework for process innovation.

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Innovative Healthcare Leadership

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Use exercises, simulations and real-world business scenarios to learn the key principles of healthcare management, and discover the forces that shape organizational performance.

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Innovative Healthcare Management

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Learn how to apply entrepreneurial thinking to health care delivery systems and create innovative management solutions that better support health care workers and patients.

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Italian (Introductory)

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Develop your speaking, listening, reading and writing comprehension of Italian. Gain a unique cultural perspective as you develop the skills to converse with other Italian speakers.

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Italian (Intermediate)

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Expand your speaking, listening, reading and writing comprehension of Italian. Gain a unique cultural perspective as you develop the skills to converse more confidently with other Italian speakers.

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Korean (Introductory)

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Learn the logical components of Korean with a focus on reading, writing, listening, speaking, colloquial expressions and culture to gain a comprehensive understanding.

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Korean (Intermediate)

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Learn the logical components of Korean with a focus on reading, writing, listening, speaking, colloquial expressions and culture to gain a comprehensive understanding.

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Medical Spanish

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Deepen your Spanish speaking and comprehension skills related to health care and medical language while exploring health and healing systems from cross-cultural perspectives.

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Occupational Safety in Supply Chain Management

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Maximize the health and safety of workers by learning how to manage exposures to hazards that come about from the products, processes and services organizations provide.

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Organizational Leadership

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Explore effective leadership styles that best fit your personality and preferences, and develop vital skills in the capacity of mentoring and cross-cultural communication.

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Outdoor Recreation Resource Management

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Develop practical knowledge and skills for the strategic management of parks and outdoor recreation, including sustainable water and land resource management.

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Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Develop a comprehensive understanding of the body’s major systems and gain essential skills that can lead to careers in fitness, wellness and the medical and allied health fields.

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Process Engineering Analysis

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Advance your career by gaining expertise in semiconductor process engineering, preparing you for leading roles in semiconductor research and development and manufacturing for next-generation chips.

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Process Engineering Fundamentals

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Gain in-demand skills in semiconductor process development and evaluation. Learn how to transform raw materials into functional integrated circuits, equipping you with knowledge about next-generation chip manufacturing.

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Professional Readiness

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Professional Sales

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Study the concepts and principles of effective sales strategies, and become skilled in persuasive communication, personal selling techniques and how to identify opportunities.

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Programming Fundamentals

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Build a strong foundation in computer science by learning the basics of programming and the necessary skills for front-line programming roles.

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Public Policy Foundations

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Learn how to conduct research, analyze and interpret qualitative data, and present this data to inform new policies, so you can help create workable solutions for issues in the public and private sectors.

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Retail Management Fundamentals

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Learn about all levels of management responsibility related to merchandising and store operations, and gain the ability to effectively market brands, products and services.

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Semiconductor Production Process Planning

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Learn how to optimize semiconductor manufacturing through data-driven production planning and control techniques, preparing you to drive efficiency and quality in the fast-paced semiconductor industry.

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Serving LGBTQIA+ Communities

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Study key concepts, histories and political frameworks that will help you better understand and engage in applied work and direct services for LGBTQIA+ communities.

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Spanish (Introductory)

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Learn about the complexity of the Spanish language and the diversity of Spanish-speaking communities while gaining the skills to converse with other Spanish-speakers.

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Spanish (Intermediate)

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Gain a more advanced understanding of the complexity of Spanish and the diversity of Spanish-speaking communities while gaining the skills to converse with others in Spanish.

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Sports Business

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Empower yourself to develop marketing strategies, evaluate strategic implications of sponsorship and apply analytical skills to improve sports business decision-making.

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Supply Chain Analytics

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Develop critical analytical skills and learn how to make data-driven business decisions. Learn how to analyze and improve supply chain challenges using proven, data-informed research methods.

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Supply Chain Logistics Management and Procurement

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Discover how to blend practical analysis skills with knowledge of supply chain management, and fine-tune your interpersonal and innovation skills through experiential learning.

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Supply Chain Management Fundamentals

Microcredential (introductory)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Build decision-making skills related to project and inventory management as well as the ability to apply process management concepts needed to solve workplace problems.

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Theoretical Computer Science

Microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Discover the science-based concepts driving innovation in AI, machine learning and data science, and stand out in the job market as a software engineer with skill-focused training in theoretical computer science.

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Graduate microcredentials (5)

DEI in Natural Resources

Graduate microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Learn important DEI, social sustainability and collaborative problem-solving skills that support a more inclusive and effective governance of natural resources.

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Engineering Management

Graduate microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Start on the road to developing an advanced understanding of engineering management principles, and prepare yourself to thrive in managerial roles as a respected team leader.

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Engineering Project Management

Graduate microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Learn how to break complex tasks into pieces and correctly sequence those parts to ensure that a project meets time, budget and performance requirements.

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Instructional Design

Graduate microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Master the foundations of adult education and learning principles and learn how to leverage social justice practices to create impactful, inclusive learning experiences.

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Public Policy Leadership

Graduate microcredential (advanced)
Overview    |    Courses    |    Skills

Learn social science research methods and gain the analytical skills you need to become a leader in policy design and implementation.

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Start small. Then stack.

No matter your education level, Oregon State offers certificates and microcredentials online that will not only meet your needs but also can be stacked together — making it possible for you to start small and build.




Resources to get you started

What is a microcredential?

Oregon State’s microcredentials are high-quality educational opportunities that can help advance your career with less time and financial commitment than a formalized degree or certificate program.

All Oregon State microcredentials consist of at least three courses and 8 credits. Microcredential offerings follow Oregon State’s quarterly term calendar. Learn more.

Who can enroll in a microcredential?

Microcredentials are available to nondegree-seeking students, undergraduates and graduate students. With the exception of graduate-level microcredentials which require a bachelor’s degree, it’s not necessary to have a college degree in order to apply or enroll, but some microcredential courses have prerequisites.

How do you apply for a microcredential?

To complete a microcredential, you can apply to Oregon State as a nondegree student if you are not currently enrolled at OSU. A nonrefundable fee ($30 for undergraduate applicants; $35 for graduate applicants) is due when you submit your application. Find more details about the online learning experience for Oregon State’s nondegree students.

What support do microcredential students receive?

All Oregon State Ecampus students have access to the same support resources. The OSU Ecampus student services team is here to support you, and you can tap into resources such as free online tutoring, OSU’s Disability Access Services, OSU Libraries and Canvas support.

How do you display a digital badge after completing a microcredential?

After completing the microcredential requirements, you’ll receive a digital badge that demonstrates evidence of your discipline-specific knowledge to employers. OSU’s Office of the Registrar will upload your information to Credly, the world's largest digital credential network, within three weeks of completing your final class.

The badge can be placed on your résumé, social media platforms, and job-hosting sites.

Can current students complete a microcredential?

If you’re a current student interested in pursuing a microcredential, please submit this form. Note: You must complete at least one of the microcredential courses after having been accepted into the microcredential.

On-campus delivery of microcredentials

All microcredentials are delivered online. Some microcredentials may be offered on campus and you can check the schedule of classes to determine course availability. If you are a current OSU student and wish to add a microcredential to your course of study, please submit this form.

Explore online certificates

Oregon State’s online certificates offer engaging opportunities to develop your skills and knowledge with less of a time and financial commitment than a full degree program. In many cases, you can earn a microcredential and stack the credits you earned into an online certificate program. Explore online certificates »

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Contact us directly

Our knowledgeable staff of enrollment services specialists will answer your specific questions about OSU Ecampus online degree programs, courses, the application process and how to get started.



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    • You can earn an honors degree online in any undergraduate degree program.
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