Browse Online Programs
Oregon State University Ecampus delivers degrees, certificates and microcredentials online to students all over the world. The goal is simple: to give you greater access to learning opportunities that blend quality, engagement and innovation.
Oregon State is consistently ranked one of the nation's best providers of online education by U.S. News & World Report and other publications.
116 undergraduate programs available
Undergraduate degrees (51)

Learn to make financial decisions and drive strategy in a large or small business, government or nonprofit organization.
Data analysisFinancial reportingAuditingForecastingFinancial analysisTax preparationRisk and opportunity assessment
Public accounting auditorCorporate accountantBusiness valuationInternal auditorTax auditorControllerBudget analystFinancial analyst

Agricultural Sciences
Design your own degree in agriculture through flexible curriculum that spans subjects such as agriculture production, leadership, agribusiness, world food crops and sustainability.
Ag safety and healthCommunicating ag to the publicEnvironmental law, policy and economicsFarm implementsEngine theory and operationOrganic farmingEnvironmental biology
Agronomist farmer or rancherAnimal breederSoil or water conservationistGrower or production managerAg communications; marketing or salesAg educatorExtension agent

B.A. or B.S.
Study the sciences and humanities and sharpen your critical thinking. You’ll learn to apply cutting-edge theory and methods to solve pressing social problems in a wide range of careers.
Cultural resource managementResearch design and data analysisForensic analysisCritical thinkingComplex social systems problem solvingAI and IT interface
ArchaeologistCultural resource managerEducatorEthnographerCultural anthropologistMuseum curatorUser experience researcherHuman resource coordinator

Applied Humanities
B.A. or B.S.
Complete your degree and pay zero tuition for the last 12 credits while gaining in-demand cultural responsiveness skills, and learn to communicate in any workplace setting.
WritingInterpersonal relationshipsAdvertisingIndigenous philosophiesScientific reasoningHumanitarian perspectives
Through a variety of career-focused courses, you’ll refine existing skills and develop new ones that are directly applicable no matter which career path you choose.

Biohealth Sciences
Explore how biological science is applied to human health and society by studying life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences and public health as you train for careers in health care.
Human virologyImmunologyPsychologyMechanisms of diseaseBiomedical ethicsMicrobial influences on human healthHealth care systems
Patient care advocateScience writerMedical equipment and pharmaceutical salesHealth educatorHealth care administratorCommunity health specialistLaboratory manager

Study the biology of plants and fungi through subjects like plant structure, biodiversity and genetics to better understand human impact on plant and ecological systems.
Plant geneticsMycologyPlant ecologyLichenologyPlant pathologyBryologyCell and molecular biology
BotanistEthnobotanistHorticulturistPlant pathologistNaturalistBiotechnologistPlant geneticistField botanistPlant scientist

Business Administration
B.A. or B.S.
Learn to deliver innovative solutions to complex challenges, and choose from in-demand specializations that set you apart in the competitive job market.
Public speakingEntrepreneurshipMarketingManaging teamsFinancial planningLeadership developmentWorkplace culture
Digital marketing managerEntrepreneurGuest services managerOperations managerSports marketing specialistHuman resources officerMarket researcher

Business Analytics
Integrate datasets and tools to address business challenges, mitigate risk and gain a deep understanding of business operations, customers and markets.
Financial accountingMicroeconomicsOperations managementCalculus for managementManagerial accountingInternational business
Global intelligence directorMarket research analystQuantitative analystBusiness analystOperations managerLogisticianData scientist

Business Information Systems
B.A. or B.S.
Become an innovator at the intersection of business and technology by serving global organizations and helping businesses gain the insights they need most.
Project managementData managementInformation systems securityInformation systems designBusiness networkingBusiness analyticsApplication development
Network administratorProject managerWeb developerE-commerce developerTechnology consultantSystems analystRevenue management analyst

Computer Science
Immerse yourself in problems that apply to every field, and gain skills in software engineering, mobile development, cloud-based programming and more.
Software engineeringWeb developmentComputer networkingCybersecurityDesign engineeringParallel programmingCryptography
Cybersecurity engineerDatabase engineerNetwork and systems engineerQuality assurance engineerSoftware developerUI/UX designerWeb developer

Computer Science
B.S. (Postbaccalaureate)
Take your shortest path to a rewarding career by earning just 60 credits, enabling you to focus only on computer science and graduate quickly.
Software engineeringWeb developmentComputer networkingCybersecurityDesign engineeringParallel programmingCryptography
Cybersecurity engineerDatabase engineerNetwork and systems engineerQuality assurance engineerSoftware developerUI/UX designerWeb developer

Construction Engineering Management
Get the comprehensive skills you need to lead complex, large-scale construction projects with a program that focuses on construction engineering and technology as well as management techniques.
Construction estimatingProject management and schedulingVirtual design and constructionEngineering computationHuman resources managementContracts and specificationsHighway location and design
Construction directorEngineering managerProject engineerConstruction site managerEstimatorField engineerLand development project managerOffice engineer

Contemporary Music Industry
B.A. or B.S.
Tap into your creative interests to become an innovator who has the artistic skill and business savvy to influence modern music practices, media and the entertainment industry.
Music supervisingSongwritingPublishingMusic theoryCompositionEntrepreneurshipArts managementWriting for film and games
SongwriterMusic creatorMusic writerBusiness managerArtist/PerformerFilm score composerArts manager

Creative Writing
Learn how to craft compelling narratives and how to read and analyze the writing of others in a program that develops your creativity and critical thinking skills.
WritingEditingStory development and planningCritical thinkingResearchLiterary analysisPublication process
ScreenwriterCommunications managerJournalistTechnical writerPublic relations specialistCommunity organizerGrant writer

Crop and Soil Science
Dig deep into crop and soil science with courses related to natural systems, field crop agriculture, water and soil resource management, and sustainable agriculture practices.
Crop productionSoil morphology and classificationWeed managementSeed science and technologyPlant pathologyInsect pest managementIrrigation principles and practicesPlant ecology
AgronomistSoil conservationistSeed technologistCrop field scoutFarm managerCrop analystSoil health coordinatorField soil scientistPrecision agricultural technicianSoil mapping technicianLand use planner

Design and Innovation Management
Learn how to lead the development of solutions and systems that address modern business challenges in a program that blends analytics and creativity through human-centered design.
Design managementDesign researchDesign thinkingDigital marketingPrototypingUX/UI researchMarketing communications
Product managerStudio managerCreative directorDigital marketing specialistUX/UI designerMarketing account managerProject manager

Digital Communication Arts
B.A. or B.S.
Become one of the new media leaders of the future as you learn innovative, cutting-edge industry standards in technology and communications.
Viral content creationSocial media strategyMedia entrepreneurshipPhotographyStage designRecording techniquesWriting
Social media strategistContent creatorGame designerPhotographer/videographerWeb designerJournalistAdvertiser

B.A. or B.S.
Become a skilled analyst of data, marketing trends and human behavior, so you can help businesses and governments make more informed decisions and influence economic policy for the betterment of all.
Economic policy analysisCost-benefit analysisEconomic modelingMicroeconomicsData analysisMacroeconomicsQuantitative methods
Financial analystEconomistBusiness analystData analystMarket research analystEconomic consultantActuary

Environmental Sciences
Pursue a rigorous, integrative education in science and policy as you learn to address global challenges like climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss as an environmentally focused scientist or analyst.
Field sampling (water/air/soil/vegetation)Data analysisGISRemote sensingWetland delineationEnvironmental technical writingEnvironmental problem-solving
Environmental scientistEcologistNature interpreterEnvironmental educatorClimate analystEnvironmental consultantPollution regulations compliance officerHydrologist/Water resource specialistRestoration planner

Environmental Economics and Policy
Develop a strong economic skill set – supplemented by education in biological, physical or social sciences – as you prepare for a multifaceted career in environmental analysis.
Applied economicsNatural resource economics and policyMeasuring resource and environmental impactsMicroeconomicsMacroeconomicsEnvironmental lawBenefit-cost analysis
Environmental economistLand use plannerData analystResearch analyst for environmental nonprofitEnvironmental policy specialistCompliance analystPre-law

B.A. or B.S.
Gain an in-depth understanding of how to invest money and raise funds to influence business operations and impact entrepreneurial ventures in virtually every industry.
InvestingFinancial managementFinancial statement analysisPortfolio managementRisk managementInternational economicsFixed income securities
ActuaryAuditorLoan officerFinancial analystFinancial advisorSales agentInformation securities analyst

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences
Learn how to maintain balance for fish, wildlife and the delicate environments they live in through science-based curriculum that emphasizes applied ecological principles.
Fish, avian and wildlife conservationPopulation dynamicsMarine ecologyAnimal geneticsVertebrate physiologyHabitat restorationAnimal care and rehabilitationEcosystem ecology
Fisherieswildlife or marine biologistFish and wildlife law enforcementEndangered species biologistHatchery managerHabitat restoration biologistWildlife area managerAnimal caretaker

Develop proficiency in a language spoken by nearly 300 million people worldwide as you gain knowledge of and appreciation for diverse francophone cultures and modern-day France.
French language proficiencyMulticultural understandingLanguage and social identitiesSocial class and constructsLiterary and film analysisLinguisticsColonialism
EducatorForeign affairs officerInternational business professionalInterpreter and translatorJournalistNon-governmental worker

Geography and Geospatial Science
Use the power of big data analysis and visualization technologies to explore humanity's relationship with our physical environment and natural, cultural and built resources.
Geographic information systemsRemote sensingGeovisualization and cartographyGeographic field researchPhysical geographyWeb mappingGeospatial analysis
GIS analystLand use plannerPlanning and resource managerCartographerRemote sensing specialistLand surveyorPhotogrammetristCAD/GIS developerGeospatial intelligence analystConservation specialist

B.A. or B.S.
Build a strong foundation in the language, culture and history of German-speaking countries, and benefit from ample interactions with classmates and instructors.
German language proficiencyLanguage and social identitiesNative language enhancementGlobal perspectivesCultural awarenessWorld development
EducatorForeign affairs officerInternational business professionalInterpreter and translatorJournalistNon-governmental worker

B.A. or B.S.
Immerse yourself in thought-provoking courses to better understand the past—from multiple cultural perspectives—and contemporary global issues by searching for historical patterns.
African historyMedieval European historyModern Latin American historyIndigenous North American perspectivesWorld historyMilitary history
Political scientistPre-lawResearcher EducatorSocial scientistInternational relations officer

Grow your skills in horticultural production through the study of topics such as plant pathology, pest and weed management, applied ecology and agricultural policy.
Plant nutritionSustainable landscapesUrban forestryPermacultureTurf grass maintenancePlant breedingMedicinal plants
Urban farmerLandscape designerGreenhouse managerPlant breederArboristVineyard managerSoil and plant scientistUrban and regional plannerAthletic field director

Hospitality Management
B.A. or B.S.
Develop the advanced knowledge you need to excel in leadership roles within the dynamic hospitality industry, with a focus on service, operations and technology.
Lodging managementHospitality lawLabor relationsService managementReputation managementHospitality technologyRevenue management and pricing
Hotel managerRestaurant managerSocial media coordinatorTravel consultantTour directorWinery managerCorporate event planner

Human Development and Family Sciences
Make a difference in the lives of people in your community. Develop practical, interdisciplinary skills to promote human dignity and social justice. Help people of all ages grow and thrive.
Evidence-based programming/policyTrauma-informed practicesStrengths-based practicesBehavioral supportGrant writingAdvocacy and social justice
Youth program specialistEarly care and education directorParent educatorSocial workerMarriage and family counselorPreschool teacherCaseworkerAdvocate

Study the impact of human movement on health and quality of life, focusing on physical activity throughout different life stages, as you prepare for a career in the wellness and fitness industries.
Motor skills developmentBiomechanicsAdapted physical activityExercise physiologySport and physical activityExercise psychology
Fitness program directorPersonal trainerStrength coachPhysical therapist aideWellness coordinatorCorporate wellness specialist

Liberal Studies
B.A. or B.S.
Customize your liberal studies major to meet your unique academic goals. Work with an advisor to develop a cohesive program of study that will foster critical skills for your career.
WritingCritical thinkingCommunicationPlanningOrganizationSelf-reflection
Non-profit managers/coordinatorsEvent plannerTravel journalistLaw enforcementPre-law

Marine Studies
B.A. or B.S.
Navigate social, political and cultural issues of marine systems through the lens of the humanities, arts and sciences — with a focus on sustainability.
Marine ecologyCritical thinkingCultural resource managementScientific reasoningCommunicationMarine environmental justiceEthical reasoning
Marine policy analystCoastal communication specialistMarine entrepreneurConservation outreach coordinatorCommunity education specialistAquarium outreach coordinator

B.A. or B.S.
Immerse yourself in the science of consumers, products and communications as you develop the expertise to improve business brands through marketing insights.
Consumer insightsMarketing and digital communicationsMarketing managementProfessional salesMarketing strategyQualitative researchCustomer relationship management
Art directorDesignerAdvertising salesPromotions managerFundraiserDigital marketing managerPublic relations specialist

Mechanical Engineering
Learn how to design, build and improve mechanical systems, components and processes. Gain in-demand skills in computational engineering and modeling that will set you apart as a mechanical engineer.
Mechanical engineeringComputer-aided designProduct development3D modelingSystems engineeringManufacturing processesEngineering design process
Mechanical engineerAerospace engineerMechatronics engineerEnergy engineerRobotics engineerManufacturing engineerMaterials engineer

Natural Resources
Explore natural and social sciences through a customizable curriculum that considers the interrelationship between our planet's resources and the human dimensions that impact them.
Forest biology and ecologyNatural resource educationWildland fire ecologyLandscape analysisEcological restorationConservation law enforcementHuman dimensions in natural resources
Wildlife conservation officerNatural resources educatorExtension agentField researcherForest, rangeland or wildlife ecologistLand-use plannerRiparian, wetlands or watershed specialist

Organizational Leadership
B.A. or B.S.
Become an effective leader who can manage diverse projects and people by gaining the ability to solve problems through strategic communications.
NegotiationsCross-cultural managementCompensation managementProject managementSocial entrepreneurshipInnovation managementEmployee recruitment
Sales managerAccount managerFinancial analystChief executiveOperations analystTraining and development managerRetail supervisor

B.A. or B.S.
Analyze classical issues and contemporary ones emerging in popular culture, social media, politics and more while gaining the skills to support lives guided by ethical reflection and civic duty.
Political philosophiesBiomedical ethicsEthical environmentsPhilosophy and religionAnalytical reasoningEpistemologySymbolic logic
LawyerPolitical scientistEconomistPsychologistHistorianWriterTeacher

Political Science
B.A. or B.S.
Investigate the theory and practice of politics and government at a local, national and global level, so you can better understand today’s rapidly evolving political climate and help shape society's future.
Constitutional lawGender and lawPolitical analysisRural policiesMedia analysisGlobal food politics and policyData interpretation
Political analystLegislative directorCampaign managerJournalistGeopolitical analystGovernment affairs specialistIntelligence analyst

B.A. or B.S.
Analyze the scientific and humanistic perspectives of psychology, and come to appreciate human diversity in identifying, understanding and solving complex problems in others’ lives.
Brain behaviorHuman lifespan developmentSocial psychologyPsychological researchAbnormal psychologyCognitive psychologyEthical reasoning
Human and social serviceMarket researchLaw enforcementEducation and trainingSocial justiceHuman resourcesCriminal justice

Public Health
Protect and improve the well-being of your community through health data analysis, disease and injury prevention strategy, health policy and management of social and environmental determinants of health.
Health promotion and educationEpidemiologyBiostatisticsDisease preventionEnvironmental health determinantsHealth data analysisHealthcare management
Community health workerHealth educatorPublic health analystEpidemiology research assistantHealth policy advocateEnvironmental health specialistCommunity health program coordinator

Public Policy
View the world through multiple lenses thanks to courses in economics, political science, sociology and specialization topics that will empower you to develop workable solutions for emerging issues.
State and local politicsGovernmental problem-solvingPublic administrationEthical reasoningPolicy researchPublic economicsPolicy analysis
Community organizerFederal program specialistLegislative aideLobbyistStrategic plannerPublic interest paralegal

Rangeland Sciences
Study the ecological, socioeconomic and policy aspects of rangeland management as you prepare yourself for a wide-open career in conserving and managing ecosystems and their resources.
Habitat managementSustainable livestock grazing systemsEcological restorationRangeland stewardshipShrubland or grassland ecologyWildland plant identificationRangeland policy and economics
Rangeland management specialistRestoration ecologistNatural resource specialistRanch managerPark managerSoil and water conservationistConservation biologistGame enforcement

Religious Studies
B.A. or B.S.
Delve into an academic study of religions and religious diversity while learning the impact religious traditions make on politics, aesthetics, social structure and culture.
Contemplative practiceEthical reasoningComparative analysisTextual criticismInterdisciplinary analysisCritical thinkingInterpersonal communication
EducatorHumanitarian services workerJournalistPolitical scientistNonprofit directorCommunity outreach coordinatorMuseum curator or archivist

B.A. or B.S.
Study society and human behavior through an exploration of topics such as social inequality, crime and justice, social services and natural resources, equipping you to make an impact on your community.
Evidence evaluationResearch proposal creationQuantitative data analysisQualitative data collectionPresentation developmentReport writing
Social service workerMarketing consultantPublic policy researcherTeacherUser experience specialistPublic relations coordinator

Prepare for life as a bilingual and culturally responsive citizen through courses that guide your learning of the language and cultures of Spanish-speaking countries.
Language proficiencyTranslation and interpretationLiterary analysisCross-cultural communicationComparative analysisCultural knowledgeCritical thinking
Localization specialistSpanish language teacherTranslator or interpreterInternational relations officerCultural program coordinatorInternational business consultantCultural liaisonExport/important coordinator

Supply Chain and Logistics Management
Learn what it takes to deliver insight and analysis that can improve supply chain resiliency and sustainability, and gain skills to solve business problems using knowledge of global logistics systems.
Service and logistics operationsProject managementData analyticsForecastingContract managementDemand and inventory planningProcess and quality management
Logistics managerOperations managerMaterials managersSupply chain analystDemand plannerSupply chain directorInventory manager

B.S. (Postbaccalaureate or double degree)
Gain interdisciplinary expertise in sustainable practices through this double-degree program, and build a career that can impact all aspects of global business, politics, economics and society.
Human impacts on ecosystemsSustainable supply chain managementEnvironmental sociologyNatural resource economicsSustainable communitiesCarbon and greenhouse gas management
Sustainability coordinatorStrategic plannerSustainable waste, energy or water managerEnvironmental monitoring and assessmentUrban plannerSustainability researcherEcotourism

B.S. – Clinically Based Elementary Education
Impact lives by becoming a skilled, licensed elementary teacher who can manage a multi-subject classroom through clinical, hands-on supervision and practice-informed coursework.
AssessmentClassroom managementESOL educationTeaching numerous subjectsDeveloping literacyTeaching mathematicsTeaching scienceSupporting differentiated environments
Elementary school teacher

Tourism, Recreation and Adventure Leadership
Learn how to facilitate outdoor experiences that respect and protect natural resources and cultural heritage. Gain real-world skills from a program focused on sustainability, justice and equity.
Land use planningNatural resource managementEnvironmental interpretationProgram managementSustainabilityAccessibility in outdoor recreationPublic lands policy
Outdoor educatorEcotourism managerNaturalistPark rangerNatural resource plannerRecreation managerOutdoor adventure guide

Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
B.A. or B.S.
Acquire extensive knowledge in social sciences and humanities that focuses on gender issues and women’s experiences. Examine feminist and anti-racist work that contributes to social justice.
Gender and scienceWomen of colorFeminismsQueer studiesEcofeminismTransgender livesFeminist philosophies
Domestic violence or homeless shelter directorHuman rights advocateJournalistLawyerLegislative aideProfessorSocial worker

Study the vast field of animal biology – from DNA to ecosystems – and gain a broad scientific foundation that will prepare you for a wide range of careers in the life sciences.
Invertebrate and vertebrate biologyAnimal behaviorPopulation biologyEnvironmental physiologyGenetics and cell biologyEcology and evolutionConservation biology
Animal scientistAnimal breederField biologistConservationistAnimal care and husbandryLaboratory animal researchCuratorial and museum management
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Undergraduate certificates (15)

Aging Studies
Undergraduate Certificate
Learn to apply current theories and research in practice with aging individuals and communities. Research why we age, how to slow the rate of aging, and the challenges and strengths of aging populations.
Health care systemsEpidemiologyChronic diseaseEvidence-based managementPsychological assessment
Geriatric case managerBusiness administratorHuman resource coordinatorPublic health professionalsPathway to pre-med/clinical psychology

Climate Change Solutions
Undergraduate Certificate
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the physical and social sciences behind climate change so you can develop the skills needed to create actionable solutions and seek climate justice.
Climate scienceData analysis and modelingImpact assessmentMitigation strategiesConflict resolutionClimate justice
Climate analystSolutions consultantEnvironmental justice advocateSustainability coordinatorClimate change outreach coordinatorRenewable energy specialistTechnical advisor

Undergraduate Certificate
Learn to design and manage secure systems to safeguard data from malicious actors through knowledge of firewalls, intrusion detection systems and data loss prevention.
SecurityCryptographyDigital forensicsInformation security governanceData miningParallel programming
Cybersecurity analystCybersecurity engineerSoftware engineerRequirements analystRisk management directorSoftware assurance engineer

Design for Social Impact
Undergraduate Certificate
Learn how to apply design thinking to society’s most daunting challenges, so you can make a positive impact across the issues you care about.
Project managementProblem solving & innovationVisualization skillsCommunicating in a professional contextDesigning solutions for equity & inclusionTeam leadershipUser experience
Product developerBusiness developer & entrepreneurNonprofit managerConsultantGraphic designerUX designerPrototype builderTech-enabled artist

Food in Culture and Social Justice
Undergraduate Certificate
Help build equal access to safe, culturally acceptable, nutritionally adequate food in cultures around the world by promoting food justice on local, state and national levels.
Food systemsFood in world historySocial inequalityNutritional anthropologyEnvironmental ethicsGlobal food politics
Equity and social justice coordinatorProject managerGrants database managerNonprofit managerFood service aideProgram coordinator

Geographic Information Science (GIScience)
Undergraduate Certificate
Discover how to use geographic information technologies, and develop a skill set that is highly valued in science, natural resources, government, industry and business.
SurveyingCartographyRemote sensingGeospatial informationSatellite image analysisGeovisual analyticsWeb mapping
Geospatial logistics analystTransportation surveyorMapping technicianField surveyor

Global Learning
Undergraduate Certificate
Acquire a greater understanding of global cultures, economies, political systems and international relations, and learn how to skillfully communicate across cultures.
Intercultural communicationInternational relationsWorld language and cultural studiesInternational economicsAnthropology of international developmentInternational finance theory and policy
Project managerHuman resource managerGuidance counselorNonprofit coordinatorGlobal relief project specialist

Horticultural Therapy
Undergraduate Certificate
Gain the knowledge you need to design therapeutic gardens and provide care through the healing influence of nature for diverse populations who are facing health or emotional issues.
Therapeutic garden designHorticultural systemsPlant propagationHuman lifespan developmentBrain behaviorHealth psychology
Registered horticultural therapistTherapeutic horticulture practitionerCommunity garden coordinatorRehabilitation program coordinator

Humanitarian Engineering
Undergraduate Certificate
Build technical engineering skills and learn to analyze the social, environmental and economic context as you work with underserved populations to help gain safe access to vital resources.
Co-designCross-cultural communicationInterdisciplinary teamworkCommunity engagementSustainabilitySocial Impact
Humanitarian organization coordinatorConflict relief project managerDesign engineerNon-profit directorMultinational organization staffResearch scientist

Mechatronics for Manufacturing Engineering
Undergraduate Certificate
Integrate advanced applications of automation and mechatronics in technology, and step into a high-demand career in industrial robotics, mechanical design, electronics or systems engineering.
Electrical engineering fundamentalsAutomationRoboticsMechatronicsLogical controlDigital control theoryDigital signal processing
Robotics engineerAutomation engineerControl system design engineerElectronics design engineerMechanical design engineerData scientist

Medical Humanities
Undergraduate Certificate
Enroll in a program that supports the scientific features of any healing profession and will prepare you to navigate important decision-making processes in health care.
Health and social justiceBiomedical ethicsMedical anthropologyBiological and cultural constructions of raceHistory of medicine
Health educatorPatient advocateCommunity health workerMedical scribeHealth care recruiterWellness director

Organic Farming Systems
Undergraduate Certificate
Gain the technical skills and knowledge to make agricultural and food systems environmentally, economically and socially sustainable as you build a career in organic farming.
Organic agricultural systemsSourcing and efficacyDisease managementOrganic cropping systemsSoil managementWeed managementOrganic crop design
Lead gardenerFarm managerAgricultural specialistLandscape architectSales manager

Organizational Leadership
Undergraduate Certificate
Gain strategic communication and leadership skills, and learn how to effectively find, motivate and lead talented employees while running dynamic projects.
Negotiation tacticsProject managementTeam facilitationLeadershipHuman resources management
Human resources managerOrganizational design and strategy leadProduct management leaderProject managerTalent manager

Urban Agriculture
Undergraduate Certificate
Learn how to capitalize on new agricultural markets that are not addressed by traditional rural farming through innovative farming techniques that produce dynamic food systems.
Pest managementOrganic farming and gardeningCrop ecology and morphologyFood systems and food justiceUrban agriculturePlant nutritionPermaculture design
Urban farmerProduction managerVertical farming specialistFood and agriculture plannerInstallation team leader

Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Undergraduate Certificate or Minor
Engage in a broad study of gender and women's issues in a program that emphasizes a diversity of experiences through a focus on disciplinary-based knowledge about women's lives.
Gender and scienceIssues related to women of colorFeminismQueer studiesEcofeminismTransgender issuesFeminist philosophy
Domestic violence shelter directorHuman rights advocateJournalistLawyerLegislative aidSocial worker
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Undergraduate microcredentials (48)

Applied Behavior Support Basics
Microcredential (advanced)
Develop the skills to understand developmental milestones, promote inclusive and supportive practices, and apply behavior modification techniques as you support people at all life stages.
Human developmentDisability justice principlesBehavioral intervention

Autism and Neurodiversity: Lifespan Development and Disability Justice
Microcredential (advanced)
Gain insight into human lifespan development and the psychological aspects of disability as you learn how to approach neurodiversity with a focus on empowerment and inclusion.
Social developmentNeurodiverse-affirming practiceDisability justice principlesNeurodevelopmental disorders

Business and Professional Writing
Microcredential (introductory)
Sharpen your professional writing and communication skills and gain helpful strategies for creating clear and concise technical documents, presentations and more.
WritingEditingResearchCritical thinkingRhetorical analysisGenre knowledgePresentations

Business of Viral Content Creation
Microcredential (introductory)
Learn to strategically analyze and produce content with the intention of building your own platform and brand, and sharpen your content gathering, evaluation and writing skills.
Content developmentData analysisSearch engine optimizationSocial media

Child and Youth Development
Microcredential (advanced)
Gain a broad understanding of human development from infancy through adolescence, including the influence of family, community, school and peers.
Childhood developmentadolescent developmentparenting stylesdiscipline and attachmentobserving youthdevelopmental practicescollaborative strategies

Children and Youth With Disabilities
Microcredential (advanced)
Learn how to promote more inclusive support for children with diverse needs and abilities by better understanding the associated developmental, educational and family challenges.
Developmentally appropriate practicescollaborative strategiesethical principlesdisability rights principlesobserving and interpreting behavior

Chinese (Introductory)
Microcredential (introductory)
Learn the essentials of colloquial Mandarin with an emphasis on conversation, reading and writing, and build a foundation that enables you to communicate with a global network.
Basic written ChineseBasic spoken ChineseBasic Chinese comprehension

Consumer Analytics Fundamentals
Microcredential (introductory)
Equip yourself with the marketing and analytics skills to make decisions that advance organizations, and learn to apply human behavior principles to various business contexts.
Business intelligenceData miningMarketingMarketing research

Content Development and Production
Microcredential (advanced)
Enhance your creativity and gain the applied skills to visualize a text narrative into an audio/visual media production, and develop the ability to manipulate sound media.
Adobe Creative SuiteBrandingMedia productionStorytelling

Digital Marketing Fundamentals
Microcredential (introductory)
Understand digital channels, tools and trends — including search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) — so you can grow your business and advance its goals.
Search engine optimizationDigital marketingMarketing strategiesSearch engine marketing

Disparities and Discrimination Through an Economic Lens
Microcredential (advanced)
Take part in the economic analysis of disparities with a focus on theories and evidence of discrimination, sources of employment and wage disparities, and policies to remedy economic inequality.
Human capital analysisPublic policy analysisEconomic analysis of discriminationMeasurement of inequality

Economic Foundations
Microcredential (introductory)
Study how institutions allocate resources, the consequences of resource distribution, and learn to analyze decisions in markets and everyday settings.
Analysis of decision-makingEconomic analysisMarket analysisPublic policy analysis

Engineering Mechanics
Microcredential (advanced)
Develop the skills to adeptly work with engineering technology, complete first-line engineering tasks and more as you build the foundational knowledge every engineer needs.
Applied mechanicsGeometryMaterials scienceTrigonometry

General Chemistry
Microcredential (introductory)
Learn important chemical principles and theories, develop safe laboratory practices and broaden your understanding of the societal implications of chemistry.
Dimensional analysisLaboratory techniquesLogarithms and exponential functionsLinear regression analysis

German (Introductory)
Microcredential (introductory)
Develop foundational speaking, writing, reading and comprehension skills in German, and learn about German culture while gaining the skills to converse with others in the language.
Speaking at the A1, A2, B1, B2 levelsWriting at the A1, A2, B1, B2 levelsReading at the A1, A2, B1, B2 levelsListening at the A1, A2, B1, B2 levels

German (Intermediate I)
Microcredential (advanced)
Develop intermediate speaking, writing, reading and comprehension skills in German, and learn about German culture while gaining the skills to converse with others in the language.
Speaking at the A1, A2, B1, B2 levelsWriting at the A1, A2, B1, B2 levelsReading at the A1, A2, B1, B2 levelsListening at the A1, A2, B1, B2 levels

German (Intermediate II)
Microcredential (advanced)
Develop intermediate speaking, writing, reading and comprehension skills in German, and learn about German culture while gaining the skills to converse with others in the language.
Speaking at the A1, A2, B1, B2 levelsWriting at the A1, A2, B1, B2 levelsReading at the A1, A2, B1, B2 levelsListening at the A1, A2, B1, B2 levels

German (Advanced)
Microcredential (advanced)
Develop advanced speaking, writing, reading and comprehension skills in German, and learn about German culture while gaining the skills to converse with others in the language.
Speaking at the A1, A2, B1, B2 levelsWriting at the A1, A2, B1, B2 levelsReading at the A1, A2, B1, B2 levelsListening at the A1, A2, B1, B2 levels

Human Lifespan Development
Microcredential (introductory)
Study the physical, cognitive and social changes that occur in humans from infancy to adulthood while gaining the skills that enable you to support people and communities effectively.
Psychological scienceScientific reasoningLifespan development

Indigenous Studies
Microcredential (introductory)
Study Indigenous experiences and learn how to critically assess colonialism and power dynamics, so that you can respectfully engage and collaborate with tribal communities.
Indigenous history contextualizationSovereignty advocacy and supportColonialism and power analysis

Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Opportunity Identification
Microcredential (introductory)
Learn design-thinking principles that will help you identify and scale emerging business opportunities, and learn entrepreneurship basics and a framework for process innovation.
Design thinkingInnovationBusiness planning

Innovative Healthcare Leadership
Microcredential (advanced)
Use exercises, simulations and real-world business scenarios to learn the key principles of healthcare management, and discover the forces that shape organizational performance.
Healthcare industry knowledgeHealthcare strategyCreative problem-solvingInnovationLeadershipStrategic decision-making

Innovative Healthcare Management
Microcredential (introductory)
Learn how to apply entrepreneurial thinking to health care delivery systems and create innovative management solutions that better support health care workers and patients.
Organizational leadershipHealth care system evaluationEntrepreneurshipHealth care innovation planningCreative problem solving

Italian (Introductory)
Microcredential (introductory)
Develop your speaking, listening, reading and writing comprehension of Italian. Gain a unique cultural perspective as you develop the skills to converse with other Italian speakers.
Listening and speaking at the CILS A1-A2 levelReading at the CILS A1-A2 levelWriting at the CILS A1-A2 level

Italian (Intermediate)
Microcredential (advanced)
Expand your speaking, listening, reading and writing comprehension of Italian. Gain a unique cultural perspective as you develop the skills to converse more confidently with other Italian speakers.
Listening and speaking at the CILS B1-B2 levelReading at the CILS B1-B2 levelWriting at the CILS B1-B2 level

Korean (Introductory)
Microcredential (introductory)
Learn the logical components of Korean with a focus on reading, writing, listening, speaking, colloquial expressions and culture to gain a comprehensive understanding.
Korean listening and speaking at TOPIK Levels 1 & 2Korean reading at TOPIK Levels 1 & 2Korean writing at TOPIK Levels 1 & 2

Korean (Intermediate)
Microcredential (advanced)
Learn the logical components of Korean with a focus on reading, writing, listening, speaking, colloquial expressions and culture to gain a comprehensive understanding.
Korean listening and speaking at TOPIK Levels 1 & 2Korean reading at TOPIK Levels 1 & 2Korean writing at TOPIK Levels 1 & 2

Medical Spanish
Microcredential (advanced)
Deepen your Spanish speaking and comprehension skills related to health care and medical language while exploring health and healing systems from cross-cultural perspectives.
Cultural medical interpretationSpanish medical vocabularyVerbal and written Spanish

Occupational Safety in Supply Chain Management
Microcredential (advanced)
Maximize the health and safety of workers by learning how to manage exposures to hazards that come about from the products, processes and services organizations provide.
Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA)Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA)Operations managementSupply chain

Organizational Leadership
Microcredential (advanced)
Explore effective leadership styles that best fit your personality and preferences, and develop vital skills in the capacity of mentoring and cross-cultural communication.
CommunicationsEconomicsHuman resources managementLeadership

Outdoor Recreation Resource Management
Microcredential (introductory)
Develop practical knowledge and skills for the strategic management of parks and outdoor recreation, including sustainable water and land resource management.
Outdoor recreation managementPublic lands managementProtected area managementCommunicationDiversity, equity and inclusion in outdoor recreation

Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology
Microcredential (introductory)
Develop a comprehensive understanding of the body’s major systems and gain essential skills that can lead to careers in fitness, wellness and the medical and allied health fields.
Human anatomy and physiologyTissue histologyScientific methodologyInformation synthesisGraphical reasoningProject collaboration

Process Engineering Analysis
Microcredential (advanced)
Advance your career by gaining expertise in semiconductor process engineering, preparing you for leading roles in semiconductor research and development and manufacturing for next-generation chips.
Application of first and second laws of thermodynamicsApplication of process modelsProcess engineeringMolecular diffusion processes

Process Engineering Fundamentals
Microcredential (advanced)
Gain in-demand skills in semiconductor process development and evaluation. Learn how to transform raw materials into functional integrated circuits, equipping you with knowledge about next-generation chip manufacturing.
Material balances set-up, performance, and applicationEnergy balances set-up, performance, and applicationThermophysical and thermochemical calculationsData analysisStatistical analysis of process dataProcess engineering

Professional Readiness
Microcredential (introductory)
Acquire the knowledge that employers need most when it comes to hiring and promoting individuals, and become a skilled problem-solver who makes sound decisions.

Professional Sales
Microcredential (introductory)
Study the concepts and principles of effective sales strategies, and become skilled in persuasive communication, personal selling techniques and how to identify opportunities.
Sales and marketingProspectingTrust-buildingCommunication

Programming Fundamentals
Microcredential (advanced)
Build a strong foundation in computer science by learning the basics of programming and the necessary skills for front-line programming roles.
Data structuresProgramming in PythonFundamentals of object-oriented programmingGitHub and git usage

Public Policy Foundations
Microcredential (introductory)
Learn how to conduct research, analyze and interpret qualitative data, and present this data to inform new policies, so you can help create workable solutions for issues in the public and private sectors.
Policy analysisPolicy implementationProgram evaluation

Retail Management Fundamentals
Microcredential (introductory)
Learn about all levels of management responsibility related to merchandising and store operations, and gain the ability to effectively market brands, products and services.
FinanceMerchandisingRetail managementRetail operations

Semiconductor Production Process Planning
Microcredential (advanced)
Learn how to optimize semiconductor manufacturing through data-driven production planning and control techniques, preparing you to drive efficiency and quality in the fast-paced semiconductor industry.
Data collection and analysisDescriptive statistics and data visualizationStatistical inferenceSystem analysis and improvementForecastingInventory managementProduction schedulingMaterials and capacity planning

Serving LGBTQIA+ Communities
Microcredential (introductory)
Study key concepts, histories and political frameworks that will help you better understand and engage in applied work and direct services for LGBTQIA+ communities.
Applied learningIntersectional analysisAdvocacyCommunity resilienceCultural responsiveness

Spanish (Introductory)
Microcredential (introductory)
Learn about the complexity of the Spanish language and the diversity of Spanish-speaking communities while gaining the skills to converse with other Spanish-speakers.
Spanish languageWritten SpanishSpoken SpanishActive listeningCollaborationCommunicationsCultural literacyDigital literacyPresentationsTeamwork

Spanish (Intermediate)
Microcredential (advanced)
Gain a more advanced understanding of the complexity of Spanish and the diversity of Spanish-speaking communities while gaining the skills to converse with others in Spanish.
Spanish languageWritten SpanishSpoken SpanishActive listeningCollaborationCommunicationsCultural literacyDigital literacyPresentationsTeamwork

Sports Business
Microcredential (introductory)
Empower yourself to develop marketing strategies, evaluate strategic implications of sponsorship and apply analytical skills to improve sports business decision-making.
Data analysisFinanceSalesSports marketing

Supply Chain Analytics
Microcredential (advanced)
Develop critical analytical skills and learn how to make data-driven business decisions. Learn how to analyze and improve supply chain challenges using proven, data-informed research methods.
Supply chain analysisSupply chain managementSpreadsheet fundamentalsResearch

Supply Chain Logistics Management and Procurement
Microcredential (advanced)
Discover how to blend practical analysis skills with knowledge of supply chain management, and fine-tune your interpersonal and innovation skills through experiential learning.
Inventory managementSupply chain analysisSupply chain managementSupply chain planning

Supply Chain Management Fundamentals
Microcredential (introductory)
Build decision-making skills related to project and inventory management as well as the ability to apply process management concepts needed to solve workplace problems.
Enterprise resource planningLogisticsProcess improvementSupply chain planning

Theoretical Computer Science
Microcredential (advanced)
Discover the science-based concepts driving innovation in AI, machine learning and data science, and stand out in the job market as a software engineer with skill-focused training in theoretical computer science.
Grammars and automata as models of computationCorrectness of algorithmsFunctional programming techniquesEquivalency of models of computationDivide-and-conquer algorithm designDynamic programming
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Undergraduate course sequences (2)

Chemistry and Lab Courses
Online Course Sequences
Enroll in a rigorous, fully online chemistry course sequence or lab sequence that is designed to meet degree requirements for science, non-science and engineering majors.

Language Courses
Online Course Sequences
Set yourself up for career advancement and enhance your global awareness and intercultural skills by studying a new language via engaging and interactive language courses online.