Canvas Resources

OSU uses the Canvas learning management system. If you need help with your Ecampus course, send an email to Ecampus Faculty Support or check out these Canvas resources.

Canvas 24/7 support

All Oregon State faculty and students have 24/7 access to Canvas support. Access chat, email or phone support by clicking the Help link at the bottom of the main menu when you log-in to Canvas.

Canvas guides

Canvas provides excellent online help resources that are updated with each upgrade.

Copy (import) your Canvas course to the next term

Quick reference Canvas guides

Use our quick reference guides to assist with more complex Canvas tasks and with applying Ecampus policies:

Audio/Video and Canvas

These guides will help you use the My Media link that's available in Canvas. It is found in the main menu of your Canvas course site and is also available in any area that contains a text editor in Canvas (under the filmstrip icon in the toolbar).

International Checklist

Faculty who are (or may be) teaching international students are encouraged to use the International Checklist to inform course design and teaching choices.

Visit our Canvas training webpage to get more information and register for upcoming training sessions.
