Ecampus fact
Ranked top 10 in the nation
Oregon State is ranked on a list of America’s best online bachelor’s programs for the 11th year in a row.
Student Resources - OSU Learning Centers
Math Learning Center
Students close to Oregon State University's main campus can take advantage of the Math Learning Center.
The services offered by the Math Learning Center are:
- a well-lit study area with tables and a coin-operated photocopy machine
- free drop-in tutoring (provided by GTA's, faculty volunteers, and a few hired undergraduate tutors)
- resources (textbooks, solution manuals, a few graphing calculators, etc.) to check out for use in the MLC
- make-up testing (faculty or TA's can leave make-up tests in a file behind the MLC desk; clerks will administer and refile the completed test to be picked up at the instructor's convenience)
- testing service for independent study Statistics courses (by special arrangement with the department of Statistics)
- a mathematics education resource room (for use by the Excel program and mathematics education classes)
- a computer classroom (for use by mathematics classes)
To get more information visit the Math Learning Center website.
OSU Writing Center
The OSU Writing Center supports students in their development as college writers and researchers. Through one-to-one consultations as well as written feedback via email, writing consultants help with any writing-related task: brainstorming and outlining a writing project, locating and using sources, revising a rough draft, using editing and proofreading strategies, and much more! Consultants work with writers on all types of writing. You can get feedback on assignments for a course (e.g., analysis papers, creative writing, presentations, lab reports, etc.), resumes and cover letters, scholarship essays, personal statements for internships, graduate school applications, etc. To schedule, visit and click the “Schedule Now” button.
The Valley Library Collaborative Learning Center (CLC)
Located in the Learning Commons, the CLC provides a variety of services to help students. The Career Center, Chemistry, Library, Math, Physics and the Writing Center provide assistance during scheduled hours.
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Academic calendar
Currently it's winter term. See academic calendar for our quarter term schedule.
Spring term starts March 31.
Summer term starts June 23.